
alcor scientific ised

Description. This on-demand webinar originally broadcast July 7, 2020. iSED's micro-flow captures the critical kinetics of RBC's in a highly controlled testing environment. Alcor Scientific’s iSED at the Winter Olympics Feb. 9, 2018—Alcor Scientific announced its iSED Analyzer will be used by the laboratory at the Korean Medicine Center at the Pyeongchang 2018 Olympic Winter Games and Paralympic Winter Games. Quality Controls: ALCOR Scientific takes quality control to the next level with pre-barcoded, bi-level Seditrol® human-based controls that are stored ambient and ready for use anytime 24/7. Atomic Absorption / Emission Spectroscopy, Integrated Assay Prep / Analysis Workstations, Corporate Social Responsibility Statement. iSED® miniiSED® SEDITROL® ... ALCOR Scientific Inc. With the iSED®, ESR samples move as efficiently through the laboratory as with any other fully automated workstation. Moderated by: Bob McGonnagle, Publisher, CAP TODAY. It samples from the primary EDTA tube and takes less than three minutes to run. Feb. 9, 2018—Alcor Scientific announced its iSED Analyzer will be used by the laboratory at the Korean Medicine Center at the Pyeongchang 2018 Olympic Winter Games and Paralympic Winter Games. Watch Now, An Analysis of Initial Testing Strategies and the Role of Multiplex Syndromic Testing as Flu Season Approaches The iSED is a fully automated erythrocyte sedimentation rate analyzer that analyzes red blood cells to diagnose bacterial infections and inflammation as well as to …, Identification of genetic mutations in HR deficient breast, ovarian, and prostate cancerv using QIAseq HRD panel Webinar presenter Nils Hartmann, PhD, Molecular Pathology—Head of NGS, Institute of Pathology, Mainz University Medical Center, Germany, discusses how QIAseq HRD panel is used in the identification of genetic mutations in HR deficient breast, ovarian and prostate cancer, how to implement a workflow identifying gene mutations in breast, ovarian and prostate cancer, a comparison of the QIAseq HRD panel with QIAseq BRCA Panels for profiling gene mutations from FFPE tumor tissue, and analysis and review of panel results using a full Sample to Insight workflow using CLC workbench. This is an incredibly easy to use sedimentation rate analyzer. Transcript iSED - ALCOR Scientific the perfect ESR system What is ESR? Research and development of innovative solutions for the global healthcare market. This personalized and advanced service allows users to compare their laboratory’s precision and accuracy to other laboratories worldwide. This on-demand webinar originally broadcast September 22, 2020. 112-02000 112-10000 112-00101-2S 112-00500 112-01000 112-00101 112-00101-1S 112-20000 112-05000 112-00101-4S. Watch Now. It spits out a result quickly and only take 100 uL. The miniiSED ® is the newest addition to the ALCOR family of Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (ESR) analyzers from ALCOR Scientific. With the iSED®, ESR samples move as efficiently through the laboratory as with any other fully automated workstation Quality Controls: ALCOR Scientific takes quality control to the next level with pre-barcoded, bi-level Seditrol hs-cTn in diabetes, Uncharted season forges new paths for all hands, FDA approves first treatment for COVID-19, Visby Medical’s personal PCR device for COVID-19 testing gets EUA, Lenco Lab using CGM LIS in COVID-19 testing program, FDA issues EUA for saline oral rinse COVID test, Beckman’s SARS-CoV-2 IgM antibody test gets EUA, Identification of genetic mutations in HR deficient breast, ovarian, and prostate cancer using QIAseq HRD panel, The Evolution of Diagnostic Testing During the COVID-19 Pandemic, Homologous Recombination Deficiency (HRD) Testing in Advanced Ovarian Cancer, ‘Snot Straightforward: Implementing Multiplex PCRacross respiratory sample types, Liquid Biopsy Testing Strategies For Patients with Metastatic NSCLC, Standardizing minimal residual disease (MRD) assessment in lymphoid malignancies using NGS, Assays (see Diagnostic assays/markers/tests/test kits), Blood/coagulation/hematology (see also Phlebotomy), Cancer (see also Leukemia, Breast cancer/breast health, Lung cancer, Ovarian Cancer), CAP lab accreditation/checklists/protocols/guidelines, Diagnostic assays/markers/tests/test kits (see also Screening tests), Instrumentation/instrument product guides, Molecular pathology/diagnostics (see also Polymerase chain reaction technology and AMP molecular case reports), Next-generation sequencing/Sanger sequencing. Transcript iSED - ALCOR Scientific the perfect ESR system What is ESR? Watch Now, Webinar presenter Mohammad Hussaini, MD, Hematopathology & Molecular Pathology, Moffitt Cancer Center, discusses how advances in NGS are enabling a more sensitive, specific, and standardized approach to MRD assessment in lymphoid malignancies; compares and contrasts NGS with other methodologies to measure MRD; and reviews single-institution experience across disease spectrum including multiple myeloma, acute lymphoblastic leukemia, mantle cell lymphoma, and chronic lymphocytic leukemia, and how NGS MRD can be used in the clinical management of lymphoid malignancies. Unlike traditional ESR methodologies that measure the aggregation of the red blood cells indirectly, the iSED measures it directly and expresses the values in mm/hr. The single position, fully automated ESR analyzer works directly from primary EDTA tubes or BD Microtainer MAP Microtubes, requires 100 µL of sample, is equipped with an internal barcode reader, and produces a result in less than 15 seconds. Webinar presenters David Hillyard, MD, Medical Director, Molecular Infectious Disease, ARUP Laboratories, and Blake Buchan, PhD, D(ABMM), Associate Professor, Department of Pathology, Medical College of Wisconsin, Associate Director, Clinical Microbiology, Wisconsin Diagnostic Laboratories, discuss diagnostic testing during the initial COVID-19 outbreak, the future direction of SARS-CoV-2 testing, ChromaCode’s development of a high-throughput, single well Flu A / Flu B / RSV / SARS-CoV-2 PCR assay, the evolution of SARS-CoV-2 testing best practices and additional considerations for the upcoming flu season, developing your lab’s updated SARS-CoV-2 testing strategy as we approach flu season, and understanding some of the available testing options for multiplex flu, RSV, and SARS-CoV-2 testing. Gene modulation in primary human immune cells: Successful strategies and applications for... PCR/microplate sealing and peeling for high-throughput labs. By virtue of its technology, the iSED produces ESR results within 20 seconds without the variables which are commonly associated with traditional ESR testing, the most important of which is hematocrit. Alcor Scientific 5 Prime 908 Devices Inc ( 13 ) Abgene ( 171 ) Abnova Corp Abus ( 64 ) Accuform Signs ( 161 ) Accutec Blades Inc ( 22 ) Ace Glass ( 12488 ) Acids ( 931 … “The miniiSED measurement of ESR is fast, accurate, and unaffected by the many variables known to be associated with traditional methodologies, such as hematocrit,” according to a press release from Alcor. Moderated by: Bob McGonnagle, Publisher, CAP TODAY. 10746-474EA 5443.62 USD. Stability-based value of natural oils: Easy to determine with the Rancimat test. Watch Now, Webinar presenter Shirley Michelle Shiller, DO, MSPT, Co-Assistant Director, Division of Pathology and Genomic Medicine, Co-Medical Director, Genetics, Baylor University Medical Center/Pathologists, Biomedical Laboratories, discusses the impact of implementing biomarker profiling on metastatic NSCLC patient care, the benefits of integrating liquid biopsy testing with standard of care tissue-based testing on turnaround time and identification of patients with actionable biomarker mutations, and how patient case scenarios demonstrate successes and challenges with integrating liquid biopsy and highlight unique considerations for its implementation.

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