
attack on titan fanfiction female titan oc

Which is almost nothing. "Everyone's ready?". ", He shook his head. "You can move now.". "Wait, sir," the lookout said, a little puzzled. Mikasa helped an unconscious Eren sit up, Armin crouching beside them. "Yes, I'm sure." "Huh?" The second time failed, too. His hair, black, but peppered with flecks of gray, was messy and curling around his ears and covering his forehead. And how? "He's only talking to Bertolt so I don't think it was for the others' benefit," Mikasa added. "Please, could either of you just tell me where I am? It would give them serious power, having an army of Colossal-type Titans on their sides. Mike cried out, lying down, covering his head with his hands, trembling. Attack on Titan/進撃の巨人 - Rated: T - English - Chapters: 50 - Words: 78,855 - … He's so amazing!" She wasn't looking at him. ", Nanaba landed in the window and opened it. Looking back to the Long-Haired Titan's face, he was able to meet the green eyes that were now taking in his surprised expression. Your review has been posted. At Christa's words, everyone's attention snapped back to the TV. What we gonna do?!" "We never managed to uncover the Titans' secrets or figure out what they are. Jean didn't look too sure. Gelgar followed him with his eyes. Reiner and Bert appeared tense at Connie's words. "Guns are enough to handle bears." Slash wounds covered the Female Titan, but not a single one had come close to the neck or face. He's curious about the 3D gear. How many lives had been lost to the Titans under his orders? Ymir knew she knew something about that and not being able to remember it was annoying. The Female Titan was devoured, our remaining men are in shambles, and we'll return to the Karanese District with nothing but injured soldiers and the news of failure. Its skinny neck supported an enlarged head with horribly long teeth in its mouth. I'm fine. Why not say anything?". They were regular Titans, there was no a Shifter there, so they allowed themselves to be optimistic. I could not have fainted before even entering the building, could I have? He knocked on the glass with his knuckle. Maybe the possibility of his hunch being correct was low, but it was the only probable reasoning behind the Female Titan's actions. With a sense of finality, Irvin stated what he feared most. Eren shouted out in warning. He turned to them. Two groups circled the buildings and ambushed the Titans from the side. Ymir, Christa, Connie, and Sasha on the left couch, Jean, Armin, Mikasa, and Eren in the middle, and Petra, Levi, Hange, and Erwin on the right couch. He had cushioned Mikasa's fall, and his head got hit in the process. Hope you liked it and will continue reading as the chapters come up. "We can't spare anyone else! "Gelgar!" We both looked at each other, both surprised by the others' appearance. After what seemed like an hour, we finally landed on the outskirts of the forest. Mike barely dodged and rolled off the roof, right into the hands of a small Titan. "I wish I hadn't lazied around so much." "Just kidding. It's Eren! Mikasa sat by his bed, head bowed, sleeping. "Um, this might be kinda dumb..." But Christa wanted to contribute something. "They all started sprinting!". The Beast Titan grabbed the small one and squeezed. His brown boots came up to his knees. Your review has been posted. It's just walking around instead of coming for me. She spared no time in continuing her assault as the Female Titan doubled over in pain. I will find out the truth about the Titans! Here," she said and nodded to the TV, "we don't know so we can't give anything away. It opened its mouth and bit Mike's legs. Is anyone familiar with this region?!" A/N: WOW that took forever! I haven't felt this way since my first time outside the Walls." "Wait, is that the Beast Titan?" "So, I assume Mikasa had to come to your rescue again?" "Armin told me Jean's been distracting them when they have free time and come over to talk. Does include not-so-innocent fluff and Titan gore. I was willing to sacrifice my own life for that cause! Her kicks were unlike any other! ", Erwin walked down a hall, flanked by two Scouts. "And how? "Of course I do," Irvin said gruffly, eyes not leaving the hands of the titan ahead of them. "(We don't know, Corporal Levi.)" Dozens of colorful sheets of cloth covered the hole. A small toolbox with needles, rolls of thread, and a small pair of scissors lay next to her. "My town's north of here! ", "Kill me and learn! Auruo screamed at the top of his lungs, watching the girl space out and continue her course toward an upcoming tree. Unsteady, he was wide open and unprepared for the strike aimed at his neck. Since they knew Ymir's Titan could break through the crystal, Armin knew the commander's thoughts had likely gone in the same direction as him. Hope rang clear in the Commander's voice. An image of red-tinted Titans surrounding the Walls appeared. Oh, and what a sight it was! Enjoy! He won't make it with those wounds. "(Show her to the Corporal I guess. he yelled unconvincingly in Erd's direction. Both glared down the other with a force that could kill, looking for any sort of opening or weakness to make a finishing move. Reiner knows us too well. The Female Titan's decapitated head appeared, her expression twisted in fear and pain. "Not in this case. ", Sasha tapped her chin. What the?! "His control isn't perfect.". The girl was just trying to keep her in place so that the scouts would finish her off! "Avoid combat when possible and focus on getting the word out! "I'd feel even better if we had the ninth Shifter with us," Jean said. Hange's eyes lit up. He jumped off and spun behind a Titan, bringing his swords down with a cry. The sight of one of their best soldiers reduced to a quivering mess was uncomfortable. Her eyes were focused intently on Erd, watching him move in closer and closer to the Female Titan's neck. Mike stared in determination." She's coming! Levi was now hanging by merely a single wire held by the Long-Haired Titan. "No! This showed up at the lab one day with instructions on how to keep it in a safe place and what to do to activate it." He turned to look. What titan would bring back any kind of soldier in the first place?! "It fell. Didn't they catch her?! The small Titan bit Mike's midsection and droplets of blood flew as he screamed, struggling. He just barely caught the questioning sound from Hanji over the thundering of the horses' hooves. "We just fought a Titan here. It took me a few minutes, but I finally remembered how I got here. Unhinging her jaw, the Female Titan hovered over the exposed base of his neck where Eren's human body was. What better way to make people steer clear than hiding behind religious nonsense? The Beast Titan looked back. Quietly, Eren slipped out of bed and stood before the window. "What is the name of your village? For Pastor Nick to know... Armin's mind raced, making connections. With his work cut out for him, Levi must try to tame the beast she holds and uncover the human that is hidden underneath. "Oh man, things are not looking so good for Mike," Connie said worriedly. When both were again safely on the ground, they were swamped by curious scouts. His skill is second only to Captain Levi!" Sasha sat beside him in the same position, looking equally bored. I asked. "I didn't think he'd say that," Jean said. Jean had a stubborn look on his face. Gritting his teeth, Mike picked up his sword. It could be seen in his stiff posture that the boy was struggling to rid himself of the dismal thoughts that clung to him like parasites. Nodding in agreement, the scouts soared back into the brawl. "The top priority is to reach our commanders and comrades!" It was giant! "My village isn't too far from there." We missed our chance, Petra thought bitterly. Once Titans spotted a human, they didn't give up the chase easily. Ariadne is somehow transported into the world of AOT and encounters titans, language barriers, soldiers, loss, and perhaps even a bit of love. "Mike?" The fight wasn't over quite yet. The experiment. Understand?". ", "These Wallists are now making sense," Hange said. Leaping from where she had remained concealed in one of the towering trees, the girl's hand flew to her neck, instantly slicing her palm in a practiced manor against the razor-sharp edge of a necklace. "That was not my happy face.". Eren said, bewildered. Connie yelled. One look at her face and they figured it out. That turned out not to be the case as he found himself instead faced with the Long-Haired Titan who began pushing him backwards. They were all wearing the same clothing as the blond male and the black haired female. In the end, I couldn't even offer them that hope. "Well, there are bears in the area," came Connie's bored response. Her punches, if they connect with the Female Titan's mouth, could end up seriously hurting or killing Eren. Read and enjoy! "I hear thuds! Not like the past. This sent Eren over the edge, and without a second thought he began to raise his hand to his mouth. She had been lying to them for years. He won't stand a chance if he attacks. Hanji couldn't be held back any longer as she climbed through the heat to reach the figure whose silhouette could just barely be made out.

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