Other queries from non-paying users are responded based on their relevance. We: Our aim is to lead the way to sustainable living - through practical demonstration. We: Our aim is to lead the way to sustainable living - through practical demonstration. Carbon dioxide emissions are also included in the calculation of the Ecological Footprint. We use Ecological Footprinting for our calculator to measure elements of a person's impact. Report prepared for and reviewed by BioRegional Development Group and World Wide Fund for Nature – Cymru. The Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI) is currently accepting concept notes for regional strategic events in Asia that focus on advancing environmentally sustainable development with integration of gender and social equality and rights-based approaches, in addition to poverty reduction, into the themes and design of these events. We do not give grants. TRASE Transparent supply chains for sustainable economies. We use technology to spread knowledge from our experienced fundraising experts to NGOs around the world and increase their capacity. Moldova | Ongoing. Deadline: 28 February 2019 The Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI) is currently accepting concept notes for regional strategic events in Asia that focus on advancing environmentally sustainable development with integration of gender and social equality and rights-based approaches, in addition to poverty reduction, into the themes and design of these events. Job opportunities - join us to shift global policy and practice towards sustainability. Our One Planet Calculator gives users their personal carbon dioxide emissions in tonnes per person. Early grant information, specific grant alerts by email based on your country/themes, search donors, view sample proposals, download knowledgeable ebooks, funding calendar, grants map and training videos. Want to get in touch by email or phone? Global Fashion Agenda and The Boston Consulting Group (2017) Pulse of the Fashion Industry Report. The Stockholm Environment Institute, or SEI, is a non-profit, independent research and policy institute specialising in sustainable development and environmental issues. Stockholm Environment Institute Kräftriket 2B 106 91 Stockholm Sweden Tel: +46 8 674 7070 Fax: +46 8 674 7020 Web: www.sei-international.org Author contact: Peter Erickson Stockholm Environment Institute-U.S. Centre 1402 Third Avenue, Suite 900 Seattle, WA 98101, USA peter.erickson@sei-international.org Head of Communications: Robert Watt A cost-sharing option for micro and small enterprises with resource constraints can be considered. SEI wants to support decision-making and induce … This means that if everyone on the planet consumed as much as the average UK resident we'd need three planets to support us. Figures 1 and 2 show the breakdown of these two indicators by sector for the UK. This site uses cookies. SEI is an independent, international research institute specializing in sustainable development and environment issues. This data analysis has been created by the Stockholm Environment Institute. The Stockholm Environment Institute, or SEI, is a non-profit, independent research and policy institute specialising in sustainable development and environmental issues. For more information, please visit https://www.sei.org/projects-and-tools/projects/strategic-collaborative-fund-phase-2/#call-for-concept-notes%E2%80%94regional-event-support. Office 1018 The BioRegional Development Group (BDG), supported by WWF-Cymru, commissioned SEI to calculate the environmental burden of producing five textile-based products. SEI will support 6 themes in 2019 and aim to cover one grant per theme. Seek to replicate our approach through consultancy, communications and training. Get the latest updates and invitations to your inbox with SEI’s newsletter. We connect science and decision-making to develop solutions for a sustainable future for all. The UK's carbon emissions need to be reduced significantly. … This figure may be higher than you've seen elsewhere. Food (23%) and includes food and drink consumed at home and out at restaurants. Definition: Biologically productive land and water is the area that produces materials useful to humans (forests, farmland, fishing areas and built up areas) but doesn't include marginal land such as deserts. Academic research assistant internship with Dr. Harro van Asselt and Stefan Bößner at the Oxford office of SEI – an independent research institute seeking to bridge scientific knowledge with sound environmental policy. They are established as a leading expert on the subject of Sustainable Consumption within the UK. The name of the Stockholm Environment Institute is derived from the 1972 UN Conference on the Human Environment in Stockholm. The UK's carbon emissions need to be reduced significantly. The BioRegional Development Group (BDG), supported by WWF-Cymru, commissioned SEI to calculate the environmental burden of producing five textile-based products. Ecological Footprint and Water Analysis of Cotton, Hemp and Polyester. Definition: Biologically productive land and water is the area that produces materials useful to humans (forests, farmland, fishing areas and built up areas) but doesn't include marginal land such as deserts. Our strategy steers our research direction and operational policies in five-year periods. [2], SEI wants to support decision-making and induce change towards sustainable development around the world by providing knowledge that bridges science and policy in the field of environment and development. Bioregional is an entrepreneurial charity, which invents and delivers practical solutions for sustainability. [citation needed]. The events should include a mix of representatives from government, private sector, civil society, research or academic institutions and development partners that ensure active exchanges between participants. We are an international non-profit research and policy organization that tackles environment and development challenges. SEI operates in seven countries: Sweden, United States, United Kingdom, Estonia, Thailand, Kenya, and Colombia. If everyone in the world used the same amount of resources we would each have 1.8 global hectares (gha). Also, we do not promise to arrange grants for you. (2005). To promote debate and share knowledge we convene decision-makers, academics and practitioners and engage with policy processes, development action and business practice worldwide. We also welcome inquiries on topics in which we have expertise. It works at local, national, regional and global policy levels. Participants should be able to share knowledge and experience primarily in environmentally sustainable development while addressing related gender equality, environmental rights-based approach and poverty reduction issues in Asia. www.oneplanetliving.org, Develop sustainable products, services and production systems - and set up new enterprises and companies to deliver them, Initiate and guide the development of sustainable communities. Government published data also leaves out emissions from aviation and shipping which are included in our calculator. fundsforNGOs Premium Members can now access grants that do not have deadlines. It works at local, national, regional and global policy levels. By continuing to browse this site you are agreeing to our use of cookies. Global climate change is recognised as one of the greatest environmental threats facing the world today; the main cause of which is greenhouse gases, with Carbon dioxide (C02) being the main culprit. now open, UPMADE – towards a circular fashion industry, Local governments advancing sustainable consumption, Recycling has not become more common over past decade. The strategy for BedZED remains unusual in that it tackled carbon emissions not only in domestic and offi ce energy use but also by addressing the …
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