Several new regulations became effective in early 2020. Any new regulations related to hunting and trapping are NOT reflected in the printed version of the 2020 Connecticut Hunting and Trapping Guide. 2020 hunting licenses, permits, and stamps can be purchased directly online at or at one of the many participating town halls or outdoor equipment retailers. Such a tree can fall without warning! Previously Submitted Kill Reports Select the Year and Kill Report Header to list the Kill Reports you have previously submitted. Single projectile loaded from muzzle end. Appropriate hunting license required if landowner does not live on qualifying property. Operated by the High Rock Shooting Association, Inc. Their opening dates are: Peak hunting occurs during early morning and late afternoon, primarily from mid-October through mid-December. Bag Limits: 1 either sex on state land areas; variable on controlled hunt areas. License and Permits: Firearms hunting license and State Land Muzzleloader Deer Permit. The archery-only controlled hunt lottery is completely separate from the firearms deer lottery. What is HIP? A "hazard tree" has a structural defect that makes it likely to fail in whole or in part. The use of portable tree stands (climber, ladder, or hang-on) is permissible. Field points only, arrows with broadheads are strictly prohibited. After logging in, you will be able to submit Kill Reports and review Kill Reports you have previously submitted. Unique deer seasons are based on equipment used to harvest deer. DEEP Announces Opening Days of Fall Firearms Hunting Seasons - Across Connecticut, CT - Firearms turkey season opened Oct. 3. It is recommended that when applying for the deer lottery through the online licensing system, use a desktop computer or switch to the desktop view on your mobile device. Entrance on South River Road. Muzzleloading rifle or shotgun, .45 caliber minimum. Special Conditions: Junior Deer Hunter Training Days through Saturday, November 7 and Saturday, November 14, 2020, (excluding Sunday). Tagging and Reporting: See Tagging and Reporting Requirements. Deer do not have to be open to view during transport. Centerfire rifle 6mm (.243 caliber) or larger or revolver .357 caliber or larger may be used if the landholding is 10 or more acres and the landowner has authorized use on the consent form. Several years of storms, drought, and insect infestations have severely damaged a significant number of Connecticut’s trees. Consult the Private Land Deer Management Zone Map for a description of zones. Telescopic sights are permitted. Owner liable when: Nothing in sections 52-557f to 52-557i, inclusive, limits in any way the liability of any owner of land which otherwise exists; In accordance with Connecticut General Statute 26-61, the payment of a fine, forfeiture of a bond, or a plea or judgment of guilty for fishing, hunting, and trapping violations may result in the suspension of all sport fishing, hunting, and trapping licenses and privileges. Cross obstacles and rough terrain with an arrow securely stored in a quiver. All types of sound attractants (i.e., doe calls, buck calls, antler rattling, electronic calls). Avoid parking, picnicking, camping, hiking, and hunting in areas where dead trees or dead limbs could fall. Firearms deer hunting season begins Wednesday, November 18. We also ask that if you do harvest a collared deer, please contact us using the phone number on the collar, or at 860-418-5921. Connecticut Migratory Bird Conservation Stamp: The Connecticut Duck Stamp has been merged with the HIP permit into a single Connecticut Migratory Bird Conservation Stamp, which costs $17 ($9 for resident 12 - 17 year olds). Centerfire rifle 6mm (.243 caliber) or larger, revolver .357 caliber or larger, or muzzleloader (.45 caliber minimum). These lands are open to deer bowhunting during the state land shotgun and muzzleloader deer seasons (Nov. 18 - Dec. 22). "Hunt on Your Own Pheasant Hunts" are scheduled for Junior Pheasant Hunter Training Day on October 10 at several state areas. 74. “Button Bucks” are considered antlerless deer. The use of a full-body safety harness when using a tree stand is strongly recommended. In 2016, the first documented case of CWD in free-ranging reindeer occurred in Norway. Falconers must wear fluorescent orange and must obtain the same licenses, stamps, and permits required for small game and waterfowl hunting. Bag Limit: 1 either sex on state land areas; variable on Controlled Hunt Areas. However, they are reflected in the hunting guide information on the DEEP website. No clay targets allowed. Call 203-794-9821 or check the Wooster Mountain Shooting Range website for the daily time and fee schedule. background check conducted by MDC; and sign a waiver of liability Junior Hunter Training Days: Junior hunters have the opportunity to hunt on special designated days for pheasants (October 10), waterfowl (October 3 and 31), and deer (November 7-14, excluding Sunday). For hunting with a bow or crossbow, landowners must have a certificate indicating successful completion of a Connecticut Conservation Education/Firearms Safety bowhunting course (or recognized equivalent). The stamp costs $28 for resident and non-resident adults and $14 for Connecticut hunters ages 12 to 17. requirements, please do not apply. Private Land Permission - Signed written consent of the landowner on official forms for current season must be carried while hunting. Coyote and Fox Hunters when hunting from a blind except during firearms deer seasons and fall firearms turkey seasons. A lottery is conducted to award a limited number of permits for deer hunting on certain state lands and controlled hunt areas. All documented outbreaks of EHD tend to occur during late summer and early fall due to an increase in midge numbers and cease with the onset of a hard frost, which kills the midges carrying the virus. Up until June 30, 2016, any person licensed to hunt migratory birds in Connecticut, including lifetime license holders, was required to purchase a Connecticut HIP permit. Individuals wishing to participate in the sport of falconry must obtain a Connecticut falconry permit prior to obtaining a falconry bird. Any additional states* and provinces where chronic wasting disease is confirmed will be published in the Department's annual Hunting and Trapping Guide and on the Department's website. Falconers are required to abide by the same regulations that pertain to other hunters who hunt small game and waterfowl. If successful, the permit for the area and season will automatically be added to your “shopping cart.” If you apply as a group, the associated permit will also be added to each group member’s “shopping cart.” The permit may be purchased at the time of selection or at a later date. However, all tree stands must be removed from state properties at the conclusion of the hunting season. Get the facts at The Resident Game Bird Conservation Stamp is required to hunt all upland game birds (pheasants, wild turkey, ruffed grouse, chukar and Hungarian partridges, and quail), and replaces the pheasant stamp and all wild turkey permits. An antlerless deer is defined as any deer which has no visible antlers. Paper targets only, clay targets not allowed. Note: It is strongly recommended that individuals hunting on private lands in zones 11 and 12 consult with landowners prior to placing attractants on their property. To date, no evidence of CWD in Connecticut's deer herd has been detected. Although we do our best to have the most up-to-date information in this guide, be prepared for changes to occur. Hunters: Take Precautions Against Mosquitoes and Be Aware of "Hazard Trees"– The State Mosquito Management Program has warned Connecticut residents about the risk of infection by Eastern Equine Encephalitis (EEE) and West Nile virus (WNV) this season. Muzzleloading rifle or shotgun, .45 caliber minimum. Telescopic sights and shotgun converters are permitted. Not all symptoms are necessarily present in every infected deer. To Login, enter your Conservation ID#, Last Name, and Date of Birth. General restrictions on the use of firearms, air guns, and bowhunting equipment are described below. DEEP COVID-19 Response, General Restrictions - Legal Firearms - Legal Bows - Fluorescent Orange - Private Land Permission - Definitions. Applicants may apply for up to six areas and can designate a preference for either the “A” or “B” season. Block. At the time, dead deer were reported in Portland, Middletown, Chester, Haddam, and Lyme all displaying symptoms associated with EHD. © The virus also creates high feverish conditions, causing infected deer to sometimes be found near water sources. No minimum acreage required for shotguns or muzzleloaders. The DEEP encourages anyone who observes deer appearing emaciated, behaving strangely, or lying dead along the edge of waterbodies during summer to report the information, along with the closest address, to DEEP’s 24-hour Emergency Dispatch Center at 860-424-3333, the DEEP Wildlife Division at 860-418-5921, or send an email to
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