One of the major areas addressed by environmental law initiatives is waste management. Surely the reason is that this is what the applicable law actually says. The substance of the Court's environmental law decisions confirms what the language of the opinions would suggest: The Court does not really view environmental law cases as environmental cases. The Roberts Court, like its immediate predecessors, has shown little affinity for ecological values or the idea than environmental law is a distinct area of law raising distinct concerns. The people like the officers and enforcers who make sure that these regulations are met and respected also need to be protected by the law and should be given the power to do their job in the most efficient way without interference from outside. ", the cover story for the November/December 2020 issue of The Environmental Forum, published by the Environmental Law Institute. As such... Read More, In the United States, environmental law has... Read More, Regulating how land is used and what activities may be conducted on... Read More, Multiple federal and state statutes, as well as foreign regulations... Read More, Most household and common waste is regulated by states and... Read More, Water pollution in the United States is... Read More, Wildlife is largely managed by... Read More, ELI makes law work for people, places, and the planet, Environmental Law and Policy Annual Review, Conversations with Environmental Disruptors, Celebrating Pioneers in Environmental Law. The justices are more concerned about how to read a statute or limits on federal regulatory authority, writ large, than they are on the ecological dimensions of their decisions. One question is whether this pattern will hold once a new justice replaces the late Ruth Bader Ginsburg on the Court. There is not one aspect of life that is not covered by environmental law as it recognizes the interrelation of all areas of economy and community on a person’s health state. It is all about making balance. “underlying legal questions, not the ecological concerns”. Unless you strongly believe in Elon Musk‘s idea of making Mars as another habitable planet, do remember that there really is no 'Planet B' in this whole universe. Editor's Note: We invite comments and request that they be civil and on-topic. Second, the justices do not perceive environmental law as uniquely distinct or even important. The role of the environment is to ensure that the practices used in the environment do not cause harm to the environment, human or animal health. (And Ways To Reuse Old Books), Are Tampons Biodegradable? rsteinmetz, are you under the impression that the original Luddites acted in futility, and accomplished little or nothing of value?
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