Just 13 percent of federal employees have only a high school diploma or less compared with 36 percent in the private sector, while 60 percent have a bachelor’s degree or higher, compared with 35 percent. Change ), You are commenting using your Facebook account. In fact, the lower apparent productivity of federal bureaucrats would also be a big reason why cuts to government spending reduces the nation's GDP by considerably less than the actual amount of the spending reduction. Federal Register. Speaking of those 16 displaced federal government employees, since it appears that they have been reassigned to other areas within the Bureau of Labor Statistics, whose remaining workload is unchanged following the elimination of the International Labor Comparisons program, that means that the collective productivity of the federal government's employees at the BLS has decreased. This study found that “taking differences in employee characteristics into account,” federal workers earn 34.2 percent more than private-sector workers. Results in Achieving Limited Government, CHINA’S GREAT MIGRATION: How the Poor Built a Prosperous Nation, CROSSROADS FOR LIBERTY: Recovering the Anti-Federalist Values of America’s First Constitution. Only about 20 percent of private sector employees have a similar plan. Average benefits for federal workers with no more than a high school diploma were 72 percent higher than for their private-sector counterparts. We work everyday to provide the best product we can at the lowest possible cost just as we would do if we were working for a private contractor. The benefit measure also took into account the value of paid leave and health insurance, including the government’s policy of continuing to pay most of the premium costs for its retirees. Would this be a bad time to also point out how much more highly compensated the average federal government employees are when compared to their comparably educated peers in the private sector? Generally, there is greater pay in the private sector, no General Schedule, and no salary caps. Private Sector. Federal employees on average earn slightly more than private sector workers with similar educational backgrounds, with less-educated federal employees well ahead while more highly educated ones lag behind, according to a study issued Tuesday. // quit if this function has already been called Public sector benefits often include a traditional pension package. President Trump recently made news when he announced that he would suspend the automatic pay increases that civilian federal government employees were set to receive in January 2019, which would be the first time since President Obama suspended automatic pay raises for U.S. government workers in 2011.
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