There is created as a part of the Department of Environmental Protection an Environmental Regulation Commission. Applicants for certification shall have graduated from an accredited 4-year college or university with a degree or major coursework in public health, environmental health, environmental science, or a physical or biological science. 64E-19. Program. 2000-133; s. 1, ch. All persons who begin employment in a primary environmental health program on or after September 21, 1994, must be certified in that program within 6 months after employment. In order to ensure statewide and intradepartmental consistency, the department’s divisions shall direct the district offices and bureaus on matters of interpretation and applicability of the department’s rules and programs. Records and documents of the Department of Environmental Protection shall be retained by the department as specified in record retention schedules established under the general provisions of chapters 119 and 257. 93-35; s. 1, ch. Persons who are certified shall renew their certification biennially by completing not less than 24 contact hours of continuing education for each program area in which they maintain certification, subject to a maximum of 48 hours for multiprogram certification. The secretary shall be confirmed by the Florida Senate. “Primary environmental health program” means those programs determined by the department to be essential for providing basic environmental and sanitary protection to the public. Costs or expenses prudently incurred for scientific research and geological assessments of carbon capture and storage conducted in this state for the purpose of reducing an electric utility’s greenhouse gas emissions when such costs or expenses are incurred in joint research projects with Florida state government agencies and Florida state universities. s. 7, ch. Rules and Laws for Environmental Health . – As used in this section: (a) “Board” means the Environmental Health Professionals Advisory Board. 381.0098. The board shall be comprised of the State Surgeon General or his or her designee, one individual who will be certified under this section, one individual not employed in a governmental capacity who will or does employ a certified environmental health professional, one individual whose business is or will be evaluated by a certified environmental health professional, and a citizen of the state who neither employs nor is routinely evaluated by a person certified under this section. The department may adopt rules pursuant to ss. 2012-88; s. 1, ch. “Certified” means a person who has displayed competency to perform evaluations of environmental or sanitary conditions through examination. “Electric utility” or “utility” means any investor-owned electric utility that owns, maintains, or operates an electric generation, transmission, or distribution system within the State of Florida and that is regulated under this chapter. 2012-89. Registered sanitarians shall be considered certified and shall be required to adhere to any professional standards established by the department pursuant to paragraph (b). 75, 82, 115, ch. The impression of the seal of the Department of Environmental Protection on a certificate made by the department and signed by the Secretary of Environmental Protection entitles the certificate to be received in all courts and in all proceedings in this state and is prima facie evidence of all factual matters set forth in the certificate. Joint Administrative Procedures Committee (JAPC), Joint Committee on Public Counsel Oversight(JCPO), Joint Legislative Auditing Committee (JLAC), Joint Legislative Budget Commission (JLBC), Joint Select Committee on Collective Bargaining (JSCB), Office of Program Policy Analysis & Government Accountability (OPPAGA), Florida Legislative Committee on Intergovernmental Relations (LCIR), Joint Legislative Committee on Everglades Oversight (JCEO), Joint Legislative Sunset Committee (JCSC), Copyright © 1995-2020 The Florida Legislature •. A certificate may relate to one or more records as set forth in the certificate or in a schedule attached to the certificate. 403.501-403.539) part iii. At a minimum, the department shall establish standards for professionals in the areas of food hygiene and onsite sewage treatment and disposal. The 2020 Florida Statutes: Title XLVI CRIMES: Chapter 790 WEAPONS AND FIREARMS : View Entire Chapter: 790.333 Sport shooting and training range protection; liability; claims, expenses, and fees; penalties; preemption; construction. The secretary may establish offices within the Office of the Secretary or within the divisions established under subsection (3) to promote the efficient and effective operation of the department. Members of the board shall receive no compensation but are entitled to reimbursement for per diem and travel expenses in accordance with s. Persons employed as environmental health professionals shall exhibit a knowledge of rules and principles of environmental and public health law in Florida through examination. — There is created a Department of Environmental Protection. The department shall act as the lead agency of the executive branch for the development and review of policies, practices, and standards related to geospatial data managed by state agencies and water management districts. 3, 4, ch. 95-295; s. 3, ch. All appointments shall be for 4-year terms. The members of the commission shall serve without compensation, but shall be paid travel and per diem as provided in s. The department is the agency of state government responsible for collecting and analyzing information concerning energy resources in this state; for coordinating the energy conservation programs of state agencies; and for coordinating the development, review, and implementation of the state’s energy policy. Divisions of the department may have one assistant or two deputy division directors, as required to facilitate effective operation. Joint Administrative Procedures Committee (JAPC), Joint Committee on Public Counsel Oversight(JCPO), Joint Legislative Auditing Committee (JLAC), Joint Legislative Budget Commission (JLBC), Joint Select Committee on Collective Bargaining (JSCB), Office of Program Policy Analysis & Government Accountability (OPPAGA), Florida Legislative Committee on Intergovernmental Relations (LCIR), Joint Legislative Committee on Everglades Oversight (JCEO), Joint Legislative Sunset Committee (JCSC), Copyright © 1995-2020 The Florida Legislature •. 239-690-2101 Mailing Address. LawServer is for purposes of information only and is no substitute for legal advice. Duly certified or authenticated reproductions of such photographs or microphotographs shall be admitted in evidence equally with the original photographs or microphotographs. Environmental Law. The Governor shall appoint the chair, and the vice chair shall be elected from among the membership. Persons performing inspections of public food service establishments licensed under, Persons performing site evaluations in order to determine proper placement and installation of onsite wastewater treatment and disposal systems who have successfully completed a department-approved soils morphology course and who are working under the direct responsible charge of an engineer licensed under. resource recovery and management (ss. “Environmental health” means that segment of public health work which deals with the examination of those factors in the human environment which may impact adversely on the health status of an individual or the public. 2019-118; s. 5, ch. 2295 Victoria Avenue, #206 Fort Myers, FL 33901 _____ TTY users can contact us through Florida Relay by dialing 7-1-1 or one of the other Relay Toll Free Numbers. The board shall advise the department as to the minimum disciplinary guidelines and standards of competency and proficiency necessary to obtain certification in a primary area of environmental health practice. An electric utility may submit to the commission a petition describing the utility’s proposed environmental compliance activities and projected environmental compliance costs in addition to any Clean Air Act compliance activities and costs shown in a utility’s filing under s. The environmental compliance cost-recovery factor must be set periodically, but at least annually, based on projections of the utility’s environmental compliance costs during the forthcoming recovery period, and must be adjusted for variations in line losses. There shall be six administrative districts involved in regulatory matters of waste management, water resource management, wetlands, and air resources, which shall be headed by managers, each of whom shall be appointed by and serves at the pleasure of the secretary. part i. pollution control (ss. the 2020 florida statutes: title xxix public health: chapter 403 environmental control: view entire chapter: chapter 403. environmental control. The board shall recommend minimum standards of practice which the department shall incorporate into rule. The general counsel is responsible for all legal matters of the department. The board shall evaluate and recommend to the department existing registrations and certifications which meet or exceed minimum department standards and should, therefore, exempt holders of such certificates or registrations from compliance with this section. 93-213; ss. 2002-1; s. 6, ch. The secretary may assign any deputy secretary the responsibility to supervise, coordinate, and formulate policy for any division, office, or district. Division of Water Restoration Assistance. There shall be three deputy secretaries who are appointed by and serve at the pleasure of the secretary. Law enforcement officers of the Department of Environmental Protection who meet the requirements of s. ss. Current as of: 2019 | Check for updates | Other versions (1) DEFINITIONS. 99-245; s. 7, ch. ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH PROFESSIONALS ADVISORY BOARD. Body Piercing. Those persons conducting primary environmental health evaluations shall be certified by examination to be knowledgeable in any primary area of environmental health in which they are routinely assigned duties. 2013-92; s. 3, ch. — (1) LEGISLATIVE FINDINGS. Terms Used In Florida Statutes 381.0101. The board shall meet as often as necessary, but no less than semiannually, handle appeals to the department, and conduct other duties of the board. Division of State Lands, the director of which is appointed by the secretary of the department, subject to confirmation by the Governor and Cabinet sitting as the Board of Trustees of the Internal Improvement Trust Fund. The Office of the Secretary is established. 1, 5, ch. 2019-141. The 2020 Florida Statutes: Title IV EXECUTIVE BRANCH: Chapter 20 ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE: View Entire Chapter : 20.255 Department of Environmental Protection. 2019-116; s. 4, ch. Florida Statutes 70.51 – Land use and environmental dispute resolution. Chapter No. Further, the department is authorized to: Destroy, or otherwise dispose of, those records and documents in conformity with the approved retention schedules. “Environmental compliance costs” includes all costs or expenses incurred by an electric utility in complying with environmental laws or regulations, including, but not limited to: Inservice capital investments, including the electric utility’s last authorized rate of return on equity thereon.
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