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In enacting the 1970 statute, Congress knew that a central element in any successful approach to air pollution control (and, indeed, environmental protection generally) would have to be a change in attitude about the value of environmental protection. Although these human capital impacts are small, they affect a large exposed population. Working Paper Luftverschmutzung bereitstellte. Dense, visible smog in many of the nation's cities and industrial centers helped to prompt passage of the 1970 legislation at the height of the national environmental movement. Fundamental provisions of this law required the following: In 1977, the CAA was amended, primarily to address the problems major metropolitan areas were facing in achieving attainment with the NAAQS, especially ozone pollution standards. That statute authorized the Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare (who then had chief responsibility for federal environmental protection programs) to designate so-called air quality regions throughout the country; the states were given primary responsibility for adopting and enforcing pollution control standards within those regions. Those of us who had a hand in drafting the 1970 amendments therefore can take satisfaction because that legislation has had a positive impact on our nation's environmental protection efforts. 06.15.20 It’s effectively become impossible to amend the Clean Air Act to address climate change because of increasingly polarized policy debates and complex rules to address air pollution. Other administrative initiatives include the development of cross-state programs to limit SO₂ and NOₓ emissions from power plants, which rendered the 1990 acid rain provisions largely superfluous, along with regulations to address carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gas emissions. The 1970 Act required states to enforce the Clean Air Act. Learn more about the real impacts of the Clean Air Act and how much of an impact it has had on human health, the environment, and the economy—read “Looking Back at Fifty Years of the Clean Air Act,” by Joseph E. Aldy, Maximillian Auffhammer, Maureen Cropper, Arthur Fraas, and Richard Morgenstern. For just as important as its deadlines and innovative nationwide standard-setting approach was the 1970 statute's underlying purpose: to raise the consciousness of the American public and American business regarding the importance of pollution control. Im selben Jahr erfuhr der Clean Air Act wichtige Erweiterungen, vor allem im Hinblick auf Emissionsstandards für Autos. These goals concerned both vehicular emissions and the prevention of the deterioration of air quality in areas that had never had a problem before. Seine aktuelle Form hat das ursprünglich 1963 verabschiedete Gesetz nach grundlegenden Verschärfungen und Erweiterungen in den 1970er Jahren und im Jahr 1990 angenommen. The Performance of Standards Based on Attainment Status. This was made possible because of the high priority assigned to environmental issues on the public agenda following Earth Day. Circuit. The federal government responded by enacting a series of air pollution bills, culminating in the Clean Air Act of 1970. Can the EPA decline to create motor vehicle emissions standards based on policies not reflected in the Clean Air Act? Further, three major contributors to the depletion of the ozone layer met their end. In the 50 years since the passage of the CAA, air pollution has dropped dramatically, even as gross domestic product has quadrupled. For example, the Clean Air Act gave both federal and state governments permission to regulate emissions from stationary sources (like industrial plants), as well as mobile sources, like cars. September 2019 um 20:43 Uhr bearbeitet. Evidence also suggests that the program reduced medical expenditures—which had not previously been quantified as a category of benefits in air pollution regulatory impact analyses—by about $800 million per year. We use cookies to provide you with a better service. It is one of the United States' first and most influential modern environmental laws, and one of the most comprehensive air quality laws in the world. To put the 1970 amendments in proper context, one needs to look back at Congress' prior efforts to control air pollution, particularly the Air Quality Act of 1967. EPA designed a market for renewable fuel credits to implement the Renewable Fuel Standard. In the new paper, the authors report that the Clean Air Act led to substantial emissions reductions and health improvements—as well as some unintended consequences. — Sep 12, 2018. In the same year that saw the founding of Earth Day and the creation of the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), President Nixon signed into law the Clean Air Act of 1970 (CAA) on December 31, ushering in what is arguably the most important and far-reaching environmental statute enacted in the United States. This hypothesis has been tested for three air pollutants (ozone, particulate matter, and SO₂), using nonattainment status per the 1977 and 1990 CAA amendments. For example, a 10-year study of pollution status and employment in four states—Illinois, Maryland, Washington, and Wisconsin—suggests that employment in newly regulated plants was approximately 15 percent lower in 2000 than in 1990, and that earnings over a nine-year period were 20 percent lower than pre-regulation earnings. However, while the literature we review suggests that the program has indeed led to cost savings compared to a uniform performance standard, those savings are not as large as predicted ex ante. In 1970 congress designed the Clean Air Act to combat a variety of air pollution problems, and to tackle emerging pollution threats such as public health, national welfare, toxic air pollutants, acid rain, protection of the ozone layer, and regional haze. More amendments were added to the Act in 1977. . Grundlegende Veränderungen gab es durch den Clean Air Act 1968 und den Clean Air Act 1993. States are required to adopt enforceable plans to achieve and maintain air quality meeting the air quality standards. Working Paper Emissions of air toxics have also declined substantially,” the authors highlight in their introduction. Areas of focus include the effects of geographically differentiated standards, the performance of cap-and-trade policies and technology standards, and the responses to regulation in imperfectly competitive markets. No evidence exists to suggest that the allowance program has led to more health damages than a uniform emissions standard; however, the evidence is mixed for the impact of the RECLAIM program on “hotspots,” or local areas with higher emissions and associated damages. Its mission is to improve environmental, energy, and natural resource decisions through impartial economic research and policy engagement. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Clean Air Act Example Involving Massachusetts and the EPA, Massachusetts v. Environmental Protection Agency. The 1970 Clean Air Act amendments were a watershed that paved the way for the widespread consensus in our country today that air pollution control must be a top priority of the federal government. Before 1970, there were still many persons and companies throughout the United States who agreed with the mayor that pollution was the inevitable price of progress. The purpose in doing so was to prevent new cars from contributing to global warming. As a result, the government implemented four major programs to regulate stationary sources: The birth of this legislation coincided with the formation of the National Environmental Policy Act. [2] Die Regelungen verfolgen das Ziel, eine gute Luftqualität sicherzustellen bzw. The law prescribed an ambitious 90 percent reduction in hydrocarbon, carbon monoxide, and NOₓ emissions by 1975 via these standards. Resources for the Future (RFF) is an independent, nonprofit research institution in Washington, DC. More amendments were added to the Act in 1977. More than any other pollutant regulated under the CAA, particulate matter has been linked in the epidemiological literature to premature mortality and morbidity. While the 1970 amendments gradually evolved to correct previous statutory initiatives that had failed, their actual enactment by the full Congress was accomplished with unaccustomed speed. §7401 et seq. . The Clean Air Act of 1970 caused a major change in how the federal government chose to approach the regulation of air pollution. The economic literature on the CAA also reveals instances in which a program delivered a larger set of benefits than anticipated when it was designed. Resources Articles, Joseph E. Aldy, Maximilian Auffhammer, Maureen L. Cropper, Richard D. Morgenstern, and Arthur G. Fraas. EPA routinely projects the potential effects of major rules (such as expected benefits and costs) to inform regulatory decisions, by preparing regulatory impact analyses. Thus, the two key provisions in the 1970 act were not a frenzied reaction to public pressure, but instead were a deliberate response aimed at correcting the demonstrated failures of previous regulatory efforts. They would also need to research any available options that could solve the problem. Finally, the literature has provided information about categories of benefits—lower medical expenditures and human capital gains—that have not been previously associated with improvements in air quality in regulatory impact analyses. We use those papers to ask: What are the costs of imposing more stringent standards in nonattainment areas, and what are the benefits? For example, the Clean Air Act gave both federal and state governments permission to regulate emissions from stationary sources (like industrial plants), as well as mobile sources, like cars. Those of us who had a hand in drafting the 1970 amendments therefore can take satisfaction because that legislation has had a positive impact on our nation's environmental … This page provides a brief introduction to the Clean Air Act, links to more detailed information on the law's requirements, and links to information on its history. The Clean Air Act: Successes and Challenges Since 1970 Press Release — Jan. 6, 2020, 4 p.m. WASHINGTON, DC—Resources for the Future (RFF) today published a new, retrospective review of the Clean Air Act , 50 years after it was greatly expanded in 1970. § 7401) is a United States federal law designed to control air pollution on a national level. Seither wurden nur kleinere Änderungen vorgenommen. Das Verfahren Massachusetts v. EPA gilt als bis 2017 wichtigste Klimaklage, die Bestimmungen des Clean Air Act als Grundlage für die bis dato wirksamsten Klimaschutzmaßnahmen auf Bundesebene. The 1977 amendments authorized adoption of stronger, direct emissions standards on industrial plants located in nonattainment areas. In order to change these previously entrenched attitudes, it was necessary to get the attention of industry and the American people. The law calls for new stationary sources (e.g., power plants and factories) to use the best available technology, and allows less stringent standards for existing sources. Entitled the National Air Quality Standards Act of 1970, the bill comprises 95 pages of amendments to the Clean Air Act of 1963 and successor bills in 1965 and 1967. United States: Clean Air Act (1970) With 66 percent less pollution, Americans are living healthier, longer lives. Finally, our review of the literature has provided information about two categories of benefits—lower medical expenditures and human capital gains—not previously associated with improvements in air quality in US regulatory impact analyses (the forward-looking assessments of a regulation’s expected impacts). Over 100 “ex ante” regulatory analyses have projected the effects of specific Clean Air Act regulations, but these studies are based on quite limited information—before the regulations’ effects could be observed.

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