
known knowns matrix

Currie et al., 2004; Turner, Makovicky & Norell, 2007), and recently a giant rodent, Josephoartigasia monesi (Rinderknecht & Blanco), relative of the guinea pig and the size of a bull (estimated 1000 kg) that may have fought its rivals with tusk-like front teeth (Owen, 2008; Rinderknecht & Blanco, 2008). Bild: Flickr / Francis Chuwa - CC BY-SA ... Bild: Flickr/Thisisseba - CC BY-SA 2.0  "Was bringt das eigentlich?" We discuss how technological advances (e.g. We also know there are known unknowns; that is to say we know there are some things we do not know. But we should really consider the full matrix. Alternatively, they may occur by means of stepping-stone changes as with the cynipid Knopper Gall Wasp, Andricus quercuscalicis (Burgsdorf) and its slow progress from its original centre of diversity in the Balkans north-west towards, and finally, into Britain and Ireland (Stone & Sunnucks, 1993). 38, 4: pp. The number of known knowns is also constantly diminishing. How many species are there on Earth and in the Ocean? [7] Die Sprachgesellschaft vergab für dieses Zitat den „Foot in Mouth“-Preis für 2003 an Rumsfeld – mit dem Kommentar: „Wir glauben, wir wissen, was er meint. Re-introduction of L. dispar batavus from Holland to areas of previous known occupation in the UK have subsequently failed. But there are also unknown unknowns (engl. A rule of thumb for novel systems might be, multiply your estimate by ten to cope with the unknowns. in this case, warm blooded. This holds true for business exploration, assessing project risk, research and development, or engineering design - whereever you are attempting to find a solution to a new problem. With vertebrates, each year brings the discovery of a new mammal species to science (41 in 2009;, sometimes even large ones such as the Saola, Pseudoryx nghetinhensis Dung et al., a species of deer in Vietnam and Laos in the early 1990s (Dung et al., 1993; Schaller & Rabinowitz, 1995), and also quite a few new species of birds, reptiles, amphibians and fishes. As recently as 2005, a totally new extant genera of mammals (Laotian rock rat, Laonastes aenigmamus Jenkins et al. When considering the temporal scale of species population invasions, as alluded to with the Knopper Gall Wasp, these can be slow, taking decades or centuries, or relatively swift, occurring over the course of a few days or weeks, depending on the dispersal powers and reproductive capacity of the organism concerned, as well as the suitability of the habitat into which the population invades. However there are always risks in any project that are beyond control. Großartig! We thank the anonymous referees for their insightful comments on an earlier draft of this paper, which have made us re-visit our views and arguments and attempt to re-focus them, and Nicola von Mende-Loxdale for her editorial suggestions for improving the manuscript. This is the quadrant most likely to shipwreck plans. The Known-Unknown Matrix. They are species or concepts for which there is a limited amount of knowledge, but resolution on presence, distribution, function, etc. Having said that, the ecological/habitat requirement of many butterfly species are still obscure, and it is often difficult to re-introduce populations to areas of previous known occupation, as in the case of the Large Copper, where all UK/Eire re-introductions have ultimately failed, for one or more unknown reason, probably including genetic. Wir können also bereits im Voraus festlegen … Thus the number of known knowns, and subsequently the potential for their conservation, has a strong link to taxonomic rank. As far as the actual discovery of living or fossil organisms is concerned, this, like much in life, is open to chance events and, as a consequence, re-interpretation of new facts in the light of new evidence. This term refers to things that we are certain about, i.e., we know. Unknown-unknowns: These are “unknown risks” - the unknown risks with unknown or unforeseen work. Here the common ‘need for a rapid conservation action’ that surrounds species falling into the known unknown category did not result in a positive conservation outcome. The speed at which an unknown biological entity may move from unknown to known is increasing rapidly as technology, especially molecular (DNA) techniques, provides insights into increasingly complex or increasingly finer scale population differentiations. New technological advances in molecular studies have created a wealth of known unknowns, for example direct DNA sequencing of soil samples has revealed multitudes of fungal species that were previously unknown, unculturable and unnamed (Salvioli & Bonfante, 2013). [9] Ebenso sprachen sich etwa der konservative kanadische Kolumnist Mark Steyn und der australische Ökonom und Blogger John Quiggin für die Wendung aus.[10]. in terms of climate change or habitat disturbance, or the more natural erosion of genetic material or resource competition. 1) refers to a third category, the unknown knowns, those species which we know did once exist, and assume are now extinct for whatever reason, but because of poor data, including observational and poor sampling, cannot prove one way or the other. He suggests that for any new project you should grant yourself a limit of 3 novelty chips. 411–434. relies on further investigation, e.g. 1 and Table 1). Februar 2002 auf einer Pressekonferenz: Damit vermied er es, (vgl. is not the only industry to have happily latched onto the the former Secretary of State’s famous phrase, “the unknown unknowns”. Known-unknowns: These are classic risks or risks what you as a project manager or risk manager most likely see. Eine Formulierung aller vier Aspekte findet sich bereits in der klassischen persischen Literatur. However, the discovery of a new species of Wood White butterfly in Ireland in 1988, Leptidea reali Reissinger, mainly from comparative examination of the male genitalia and behavioural/ecological differences between the ‘normal’ Wood White, L. sinapis (L.) sensu stricto, was totally unexpected (see Riley, 2007 and references therein), although the butterfly is found in other areas of Europe, including Spain, southern France and Italy. Der psychoanalytische Philosoph Slavoj Žižek extrapolierte aus diesen drei Kategorien eine vierte, das „unbekannte Bekannte“, welches wir uns willentlich weigern anzuerkennen, dass wir es kennen: „Wenn Rumsfeld glaubte, dass die wichtigsten Gefahren in der Konfrontation mit dem Irak die ‚unbekannten Unbekannten‘ waren, das heißt, die Bedrohungen durch Saddam, deren Natur wir nicht einmal ahnten, dann zeigt uns der Abu-Ghraib-Skandal, dass die größten Gefahren von den ‚unbekannt Bekannten‘ ausgehen - die verleugneten Überzeugungen, Vermutungen und obszönen Praktiken, von denen wir vorgeben sie nicht zu kennen, sogar wenn sie die Grundlage unserer öffentlichen Werte sind.“[11] Žižek baute auch die Ideen des „bekannten Unbekannten“ und des „unbekannten Bekannten“ in seinen Dokumentarfilm über „Die Realität des Virtuellen“ ein. The other night at the CSFG novel-writing group, El Presidente David Dufty led a discussion on making use of Campbellian and Jungian character archetypes and other advice on character from various literary greats. Famous examples include the co-evolved Madagascan orchid flower, Angraecum sesquipedale Thouars, with a long spur filled with nectar and predicted (in 1862; Darwin, 1862) by Charles Robert Darwin (1809–1882) to be pollinated by a sphingid hawk moth (Xanthopan morganii Rothschild & Jordan, as it was eventually shown to be) with a suitably long proboscis (Kritsky, 1991), and the Tambalacoque or Dodo tree, Sideroxylon grandiflorum A. DC of the Island of Mauritius in the Indian Ocean, the seeds of which were apparently swallowed by the Dodo, Raphus cucullatus (L.), allowing subsequent germination of the seeds. The key to precautionary science lies in acknowledging the existence of known unknowns and using them to either guide future research or to guard against the proliferation of assumptions to bridge the knowledge gap.

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