Haven’t there been any other cases where more egregious, more heinous crimes where Eric Bellas basically just let them go? Both my husband and I called at least four times each. Search North Carolina local court rules by keyword, court, and county. Donna Few gave me your email the other day. View information about going to court in North Carolina, including court dates and calendars, court personnel and procedure, witnesses, self-representation, records, and appeals. Here is the story: The District Attorney’s office will provide you a secure waiting area during court proceedings, if at all possible and practical. The first time Joe ever saw him was when Mr. Smith almost ran into him with his vehicle. Mr. Smith would run out of his house in years past and slap and hit cars driving by and yell obscenities or things like, “Slow the F? Threatening a witness is a crime in North Carolina. “At that time I hadn’t made the connection that it was the same man. Fees apply. The North Carolina Office of Indigent Defense Services offers links to Defender offices and departments. “This is ultimately my responsibilty. The District Attorney for the 30th Prosecutorial District offers information about Minor Traffic Violation Court, which can dispose of minor traffic cases without a trial in Cherokee, Clay, Graham, Haywood, Jackson, Macon, and Swain Counties. Where are you now with replacing Bellas? Finally, my husband obtained Mr. Large’s personal cell number. Davin Eldridge began publishing Trappalachia on April 21, 2018. You have the right to be notified of escape, release, proposed parole or pardon, or notice of a reprieve or commutation of the accused’s sentence. Knuckles is a smart dog, but for some reason he absolutely hated a statue of a dog that was in Mr. Smith’s flower bed. At end of the day, I’m the one that wants to be making those decisions. I think it’s a new day and we’re on the way to sort of fixing these issues that have happened. The District Attorney’s office will notify you in writing about what has happened in your case within thirty days of the final proceeding. View information about Legal Aid of North Carolina, which provides free civil legal services to low-income clients. Links to the fee dispute petition and grievance form are provided. We never heard from him again. There was one in the Board of Education that I worked at for 20 years. But I called one of my Assistant DAs who lives and works in Graham County and I said ‘Hey, what’s going on? So, PLEASE, by all means, charge me too if it means it will keep others safe.” Mr. Large then ended the conversation with, “Well, now that I know how you feel about this, we can no longer speak because we are opposing sides.” We’ve never heard from him since. Welch said she then contacted investigators with the Graham County Sheriff’s Office. View information about the North Carolina Judicial Standards Commission, procedures for filing a complaint against a judge, and links to records of disciplinary actions against judges. Asst DA Ray Large. He was willing to work on contingency, but said they’d found that Mr. Smith had nothing to seize and had most likely hidden his assets or transferred them. As he was doing this, he was rolling up Knuckle’s window and looking back to make sure he didn’t roll the dog’s head up in the window, as he’d done before. For years, he has threatened neighbors with guns,even holding a .45 to a man’s head. The District Attorney for the 30th Prosecutorial District offers information about Minor Traffic Violation Court, which can dispose of minor traffic cases without a trial in Cherokee, Clay, Graham, Haywood, Jackson, Macon, and Swain Counties. Have you replaced him? Directions. Case jurisdiction includes minor criminal offenses, some domestic violence procedures, traffic infractions, and small claims actions. He then maneuvered the switchbacks one mile down into the village. So do I think this was a judgement call made in bad faith? Options include payment of the citation or requesting a trial date. It seems to me that there’s a number of cases that he seems to have ‘dropped the ball on’. My husband is Joe Shaffer. View instructions for obtaining a criminal background check by an individual or business. With this, I disagree with his decisions, and if I had been given all the information two years ago the outcome would have been different two years ago. We’re moving pretty quickly in terms of just sort of looking at what we’ve got whats been happening and were good from here. Welch said she opted to handle the case herself. They were incredibly kind to me. When Joe turned back around there was a shotgun 2 feet from his face and Mr. Smith was screaming, “F$&@ you! To learn more, click the following link: Do not sell my info. The North Carolina Department of Justice offers information about programs to assist victims of elder abuse, identity theft, consumer scams, domestic violence, and other crimes. Let me find out and I’ll get back to you.”. View information about the Access and Visitation Program, which helps non-custodial parents with visitation issues. 6. Apply by phone or online, find a local office, and view information about free legal clinics. It’s not a crime to prosecute a crime, is it? Jim Davis, Senator representing Cherokee, Clay, Graham, Haywood, Jackson, Macon,and Swain counties: Joe spoke to the Senator on the phone. It doesn’t mean that he made wrong decision, it’s just not the decision that I agree with. The District Attorney’s office will, prior to disposing of a case, offer you the right to make a statement telling the sentencing judge the impact this case has had on you. This is sort of the first one that I’ve found, where, and right now it’s the only one that I find, but it may not be, where we go back and re-evaluate it and charge. If you receive a threat from the defendant or anyone else, call the police or contact the prosecutor or the Victim Witness Assistant in the District Attorney's office. View information about North Carolina criminal procedure, including types of courts and offenses, bond and bail, court-appointed attorneys, court dates, continuances, deferred prosecution, pleas, convictions, sentences, and appeals. Mr. Smith’s wife, Brenda, came out onto the porch, and Joe thought, “Oh, thank God, she will diffuse the situation.” Joe couldn’t hear what she said, but Jim started to lower the shotgun, and then flung it back up to Joe’s head when Brenda put her hands up as if to say, “Go ahead ” and turned her back on them.
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