Bill 101, or the Charter of the French Language as it’s also known, was introduced by the first-ever Parti Quebecois government, led by then-Premier René Lévesque. Changes of firm names are subject the sames rules. Sections 30 to 39 involved the "language of business," which referred to company names, contracts, product labelling, restaurant menus, billboards, and public signage. Sections 18 to 23 were devoted to the "language of professions and publicly held businesses," which had to use the official language in all public documents, but could also produce an English version. The school boards, regional school boards and corporations of trustees shall continue to provide instruction in English. The investigation commissioners must refuse to make an inquiry: (a) if they do not have the required competence under the terms of this act; (b) if the petitioners have a right of appeal or other sufficient recourse; (c) if the petitioners could have brought their petition more than one year previously; (d) if the question is a matter within the jurisdiction of the Public Protector. In the case of an amalgamation or union, the third paragraph of such section 9 also applies to this section. A chief investigation-commissioner and investigation commissioners shall be appointed to the Régie. In Nunavut's proposed Inuit Language Protection Act, all public and private organizations must use the Inuit language in public signs, but may also use other languages. Sections 33, 35 and 36 apply from 31 July 1974. 3.2 The OLA reaffirms the equality of status of English and French as the official languages of Canada and establishes equal rights and privileges as to their use in institutions. The office of president or vice-president of the Régie is incompatible with any other office. If the Régie considers that the program is adequate to the desired objectives and that it is being effectively applied by the firm, it shall forward the application to the Minister for his approval. MACHINERY FOR SUPERVISION AND ENFORCEMENT, CHAPTER I They may inspect businesses, do investigations and impose fines of up to $7,000 for violations. 3.1 The Official Languages Act (OLA) is based on the Constitution Act of 1867 and the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms (the Charter). Québec Official Gazette of a notice of their approval by the Lieutenant-Governor in Council or, if amended by him, approval of the final text. 1. With the approval of the Minister and for valid cause, the Régie may revoke the certificate. 1974 L.Q. The regulations mentioned above shall come into force on the day of publication in the. Nevertheless, the School Board of New Québec may provide instruction to the Indians and Inuits in their own languages. The Inuit language must be at least equal in prominence to other languages. The staff members of the Department of Education assigned to the French Language Bureau shall continue to be employed at the Department of Education until the Lieutenant-Governor in Council decides to transfer them. But Nunavut's proposed language laws, which aim to elevate the status of the Inuit language, are much less restrictive than those in Quebec. The Lieutenant-Governor in Council may prescribe, by regulation, the measures by which the services of the public administration must lend their assistance to the Régie. Nunavut's proposed Inuit Language Protection Act guarantees that the Inuit language may be a language of work in government workplaces, and that most public and private organizations are required to provide service in the Inuit language. The head office of the Régie is in the City of Québec or in the City of Montreal, as the Lieutenant-Governor in Council may decide by an order which shall come into force on publication in the Québec Official Gazette. The texts and, documents mentioned above may however be accompanied with an English version when the personnel are partly English speaking. The director general shall exercise his functions in conformity with the by-laws adopted by the Régie. The director general and the other staff members of the Régie shall be appointed and remunerated in accordance with the Civil Service Act (1965, 1st session, chapter 14). A full online exhibition of some 50 cartoons on language conflict in Quebec from the 1950s to today can be viewed here. The French version of the texts and documents contemplated by this act must stand out, or at least figure no less prominently than any version in another language. However, an English version could also accompany the French version. CHAPTER II Once their work has been completed, the terminology committees shall submit their conclusions to the Board for approval, and it must see to the standardizing of the usage of the terms. In the case contemplated in subparagraph d, the investigation-commissioners shall forward the record to the Public Protector. The official language is the, language of internal communication in the public administration. Complete Text Official language Act, 1974 (Bill … The francization programs which must be adopted and applied by business firms wishing to obtain the certificates mentioned above, must, while taking account of the situation and structure of each firm, of its head office and of its subsidiaries and branches, relate especially to: (a) the knowledge that the manage ment and the personel must have of the official language; (b) the francophone presence in management; (c) the language in which the manuals catalogues, written instructions and other documents distributed to the personne must be drawn up; (d) the provisions that the business firms must make for communication in French by the members of their personnel in their work, among themselves and with their superior officers; The programs mentioned above mus also pursue the objectives contemplate in section 39. (a) "Minister" means the Minister designated by the Lieutenant-Governor in Council; (b) "Régie" means the Régie de la langue française; (c) "regulation" means any regulation made in virtue of this act by the Lieutenant-Governor in Council. Title IV specifies the manner in which the municipal and school bodies contemplated above are determined. man who’s turned panning for gold into a social media jackpot, Coronavirus: Canada adds over 3,600 new COVID-19 cases, 55 more deaths, U.S. election results: Live, real-time election results as America votes, U.S. election: Here’s how close 5 battleground states are to finishing ballot counts, Aerosol spread of coronavirus underscores importance of avoiding ‘three Cs’: Tam, Biden says ‘we’re going to win’ U.S. election after gains in Pennsylvania, Georgia, Stephen Colbert breaks down, calls Trump ‘fascist’ after White House speech, U.S. Election: Here’s why the AP hasn’t called Pennsylvania yet, U.S. election: Stephen Colbert breaks down over Trump’s White House speech, America Votes 2020: Biden poised to become U.S. president, leads in key states, America Votes 2020: How Biden was able to get ahead by flipping key states, B.C. Bill 101 required English-speaking Canadian parents educated outside Quebec to send their children to French schools if they moved to Quebec. Before entering on their functions, the members of the Régie shall take the oaths provided in Schedules A and B to the Civil Service Act. Subject to section 33, where texts may or must by law be drawn up in both French and another language, the French version not being the only authentic one, and any discrepancy between the two versions cannot be satisfactorily resolved by the ordinary rules of interpretation, the French version prevails over the other. DIVISION II Canada, 75 Laurier Ave. East, Ottawa ONK1N 6N5 Canada, (passer à la version française de cette page), (switch to the English version of this page), Visit the University of Ottawa's Youtube profile, Visit the University of Ottawa's LinkedIn profile, Visit the University of Ottawa's Instagram profile, Visit the University of Ottawa's Twitter profile, Visit the University of Ottawa's Facebook profile, Compendium of Language Management in Canada (CLMC), Central Elements of Language Policy in Canada, Difficult Beginnings of Linguistic Duality, Language of Laws and Parliamentary Debates, Official-Language Bilingualism and Multilingualism, Overview of the Governance Structures (PDF). Articles 307, 308 and 309 of the Code of Civil Procedure apply to witnesses heard by the investigation commissioners. CHAPTER I The same applies to documents or copies emanating from the Régie or forming part of its records, if they are signed by the president of the Régie or the director general. Business firms which adopt a program contemplated in sections 29 and 39 shall submit it to the Régie.
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