receives life-saving donation, Eight Days of Hope helping with Zeta relief in south Mississippi. Hawkins has a 25-year career in law enforcement. COLUMBUS, Miss. Read about the duties of the Information Technology Department. For general questions, please call: (662) 328-6788 The Sheriff's Office and its officers work hard to serve and protect the community. Explore the Buildings and Grounds department. Lowndes County Sheriff. Sheriff John's Friday Evening Forecast - Eta, what does it do? By law the Lowndes County Board of Supervisors are required to appoint a county administrator. They also provide assistance to other law enforcement agencies in Lowndes County and surrounding areas when called upon. Discover information about the Recreation Department events, classes, facilities, and more. All Patrol Deputies are required to be certified as Law Enforcement Officers by the Mississippi Board of Law Enforcement Officers Standards and Training before being allowed to perform unsupervised patrol duties. Hawkins won with 9, 800 votes, not including absentee ballots or affidavits. Sheriff’s Deputies have jurisdiction throughout both the incorporated and unincorporated areas of the county. The Lowndes County Road Department is responsible for the maintenance of all county roads and bridges outside the city limits of Columbus. The Lowndes County Road Department is responsible for the maintenance of all county roads and bridges outside the city limits of Columbus. Generated: 2019-12-31 11:00:03pm, Lowndes County sheriff not seeking re-election, Lowndes County sheriff names new chief deputy, Former Lowndes County Sheriff's Office employee arrested, Lowndes County sheriff makes departmental changes, AG's Office investigating employee of Lowndes County Sheriff's Office, Lowndes County sheriff identifies fleeing suspect after Monday crash, Lowndes County sheriff identifies suspect from early-morning standoff, Hyde-Smith issues statement on presidential election, Man arrested after 6-hour standoff with law enforcement near Sturgis, Houlka, Pontotoc schools making changes because of coronavirus, Mississippi state flag designer reacts to voter approval, State issues Silver Alert for man from West Point, Mississippi governor says he'd veto mail-in or early voting, Coroner identifies victim of Cooper Tire accident, Driver sought for Alcorn County hit-and-run. 527 Martin Luther King Jr DriveColumbus, MS 39701, For general questions, please call: Deputies patrol and enforce state and federal laws and county ordinances throughout all areas of Lowndes County. 527 Martin Luther King Jr Drive Columbus, MS 39701 . Copyright © 2020 Allen Media Broadcasting, LLC All Rights Reserved. Contact the Lowndes County Sheriff's Office in order to have a police report filed at 229-245-5270. The Fire Department works to save lives and protect property through prevention, preparedness, education, and response. Mississippi State University Extension Service. Lowndes County elected a narcotics lieutenant as its next sheriff in Tuesday's general election. 1359 Beech Springs Rd.Saltillo, MS 38866 USA(662) 842-7620, All content © copyright WTVA. His priority while in office will be to reduce drug activity in the county. This purchasing department is responsible for purchasing all equipment, supplies, services and materials for the county departments. E911 operates 7 days a week 24 hours a day. The administrator is the Chief Executive Officer of the county and is responsible for carrying out and administering the policies, orders, resolutions and regulations adopted by the board. For general questions, please call: (662) 328-6788 Joel's Friday Afternoon Forecast: Warm Friday afternoon with sunshine, clouds increase tonight, VIDEO: Candidates head to runoffs in local special elections Tuesday, Tupelo Parks and Rec.
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