His motion also wants a line-by-line police budget breakdown, an auditor general review of the budget to identify cost savings and investment in community services. Here’s the motion, seconded by @Kristynwongtam, on the next city council agenda: https://t.co/MMSjgbqYca #BlackLivesMatter. Unauthorized distribution, transmission or republication strictly prohibited. Many in Toronto want to see some of the funding currently spent on policing go to help those in crises and to youth programs that help divert young people away from gangs and gun violence. They also come about a month after the death in Toronto of 29-year-old Regis Korchinski-Paquet, a Black woman who fell from her balcony while police were in her home. Many in Toronto want to see some of the funding currently spent on policing go to help those in crises and to youth programs that help divert young people away from gangs and gun violence. Matlow said the motion, if passed, would include several measures. When you support The Post In Minneapolis over the weekend, a majority of members of the local council said they supported disbanding the city’s police department. Get the top stories emailed every day. Calls to defund police have grown in the wake of the police killing of a black man, George Floyd, in Minneapolis, as well as the death in Toronto of 29-year-old Regis Korchinski-Paquet, a black woman who fell from her balcony while police were in her home. It is a priority for CBC to create a website that is accessible to all Canadians including people with visual, hearing, motor and cognitive challenges. TORONTO — Two Toronto councillors want to defund the city’s police force by 10 per cent and use the money for community resources. Millennial, you support freedom of the press at a time when it's under direct attack. ?just spent the last hour calling all the councillors in toronto that opposed the motion to defund the police by 10% so i could tell them all how disappointed i am at their actions? Police Chief Mark Saunders, who is stepping down at the end of this month, said at last week’s virtual council meeting that he does not support “arbitrary cuts” to the police force’s budget, according to The Epoch Times. Box 500 Station A Toronto, ON Canada, M5W 1E6. WATCH ABOVE: Two city councilors are pushing to defund the Toronto Police Service and reallocate some of the force’s $1 billion budget to mental health and other community services. READ MORE: First, council would ask the province to amend the Police Service Act so that the city has the authority to approve or disapprove specific items in a budget. “But I certainly as the police chief would like to see what it was to see that it meets or exceeds the standard of where it is present day.”. We apologize, but this video has failed to load. The establishment media is increasingly Trudeau commits to pushing police body cameras with provinces. Matlow said he wants to see the savings – about $122 million spent on investing in community programs. Connor Sarles. Second, he wants the police to draft a 2021 budget that is 10 per cent lower than 2020's. Kristyn Wong-Tam. "It's time to defund the police budget and re-balance our use of public funds towards ensuring that our communities are supported in ways that avoid having to have the police show up to the door in the first place," he said. Saunders cautioned that there is currently no alternative system in place for handling mental health-related calls and says there must be a new plan in place before any reforms take effect. In Minneapolis over the weekend, a majority of members of the local council said they supported disbanding the city’s police department. The sixteen dissenters are now facing backlash in the form of angry correspondence and slander pasted to office windows. If you have an issue, if you have a concern, then let's sit down. Toronto city council has voted against a motion seeking to cut the 2021 Toronto police budget by 10 per cent. Matlow said he wants to see the savings — about $122 million — spent on investing in community programs. Local residents have made it clear they want to see change in policing, Matlow said. READ MORE: 2 Toronto councillors put forward motion to defund police budget by 10% Calls to defund police have grown around the world in the wake of the police killing of George Floyd, a … “We’ve put forward something that has been amended and improved and isn’t meant to be the ultimate answer, but a comprehensive series of reforms that set in motion a process that should bring about the kind of change at the pace of change that is needed in response to the people that have marched in the street and that have been touch with our offices and so on,” Tory said. dedicated to divisive cancel culture, corporate wokeism, and political correctness, all while covering up corruption from the Josh Matlow said he will bring a motion to the next city council meeting at the end of the month, with support from Coun. Please read our Commenting Policy first. Two Toronto city councillors are putting forward a motion on reducing the police budget by 10%, which will be addressed in the council’s meetings on June 29 and 30. Among other measures, the mayor is seeking the “creation of non-police led response to calls which do not involve weapons or violence, such as those involving individuals experiencing mental health crises and where a police response is not necessary.”. He says the reality of the matter is no one other than the police are stepping up to the plate to respond to those calls. “It’s time to defund the police budget and re-balance our use of public funds towards ensuring that our communities are supported in ways that avoid having to have the police show up to the door in the first place,” he said. “I embrace that idea, where someone creates something where we don’t go at all, that’s a great day for all of us,” Saunders said at a virtual city council meeting that is debating police reform. Postmedia is committed to maintaining a lively but civil forum for discussion and encourage all readers to share their views on our articles. “It’s absurd, really.”. “As the principal funding body, we assert that Toronto City Council should have much greater oversight of how local tax dollars are spent and an understanding of the funded services,” the motion reads. “There is an understandable and justifiable outcry and demand from our community that things need to change and that we come out of this pandemic with a new normal that is better than it was before,” Matlow said. This would allow for the City of Toronto to have direct oversight over the Toronto Police Services — it currently does not have any direct control of the police budget. Police Chief Mark Saunders said he does not support arbitrary cuts to the force’s budget, but does support overhauling how the force deals with those in crisis. Two Toronto councillors want to defund the city's police force by 10 per cent and use the money for community resources. 365 Bloor Street East, Toronto, Ontario, M4W 3L4. Get a roundup of the most important and intriguing national stories delivered to your inbox every weekday. U.S. election: Trump says Biden should demand ‘all legal votes’ be counted, US election: Pennsylvania remains key focus in victory for either candidate, Ontario government pitches 2021 as ‘year of the Ontario staycation’, Minister of Veteran Affairs condemns Whole Foods’ ban on poppies, Regis Korchinski-Paquet’s death reinforces need for major mental health and policing reforms, advocates say, Toronto police chief defends the service, promises change during news conference, ‘Defunding’ police and funding mental health resources will save lives, experts say.
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