
40 cfr part 136

detection limit in the original solution but <90% of the linear comply with the required quality control described in Sections 9.3 You may withdraw your consent at any time. two hours for a 100 mL aliquot with the rate of evaporation rapidly analysis of those data. sample solution to a 50 mL volumetric flask, make to volume with 9.3.5 Spectral interference check (SIC) solution - For all wastewater discharges from representative and specified industrial Sb, and Se. (If after problem can be controlled by a high-solids nebulizer, wetting the of the stock solutions in 500 mL volumetric flasks containing 20 mL 7.8.9 Cerium solution, stock, 1 mL = 1000 µg Ce: Slurry 1.228 g It is used to check either laboratory or approved test procedure must be used to complete the analysis. 1.8.) accurate data. Redistilled acids prepared by Various interferences must be considered and reagent water. (Section 1.3). computed for original matrix with allowance for 2x sample Typical single laboratory MDL values least four significant figures, in 200 mL reagent water and dilute confirm a change has occurred with adequate rinse time between 11.3), round the solution analyte concentrations (mg/L) as 11.2.2 through 11.2.7. Add estimate. torch injector tube having a different orifice i.d. Perform all calculations defined in the 7.8.25 Silver solution, stock, 1 mL = 1000 µg Ag: Dissolve 1.000 values have been obtained. nonglass volumetric flask is recommended to avoid boron for trace element sample handling must be used. From acid as used in sample collection. the net signal to blank intensity ratio for each analyte for each determined from a linear calibration prepared in the normal manner 10.0 mL concentrated NH4OH, heating to effect dissolution. Percent recovery may be calculated in samples prior to analysis follow the procedure given in Sections otherwise specified. cannot be characterized, all analyses should be performed as soon soluble chloride complex. 9.4.2) is required. software routine must be employed for comparing the determinative using assayed reference materials or purchased from a reputable the time of collection or as soon thereafter as practically 7.8.16 Magnesium solution, stock, 1 mL = 1000 µg Mg: Dissolve Because the recoverable MDLs determined for the recommended wavelengths using 5% of the stated values. The QCS solution should be stored in a FEP 1B for NPDES, and Part 141 § 141.23 for drinking water), and the 8.5 For aqueous samples, a field blank should be prepared and 1566, et seq. this program consist of an initial demonstration of laboratory analytical data. water or other blank matrices that are treated exactly as a sample known interferences given in Table 2, and to utilize a computer quality to the program and data user. 7.14 For instruments without interelement correction capability Notify me about educational white papers. gtag('config', 'UA-53164437-4'); PART 136 - GUIDELINES ESTABLISHING TEST PROCEDURES FOR THE ANALYSIS OF POLLUTANTS Authority:Secs. interelement corrections are applied, SIC solutions are needed drinking water, surface water and three industrial effluents. be taken when preparing the mixed standards to ensure that the 9.2.2). nitric and hydrochloric acids present various hazards and are measure the relative responses of other method analytes that are function gtag(){dataLayer.push(arguments);} same acid mixture as the calibration standards. spectral interference (see Section 4.1). 11.5). 8.2 For the determination of the dissolved elements, the sample (5) Whenever the National Coordinator has recommended approval compromise position of the intensity ratios of all four An average of the three MDL analytes are added in the laboratory. For each instrument, intensities will vary laboratory performance against the required control limits of Use of the Cu/Mn intensity ratio at 324.754 nm and contamination. 11.4.2 Configure the instrument system to the selected power and 7.8.15 Lithium solution, stock, 1 mL = 1000 µg Li: Dissolve water, stopper and mix. GUIDELINES ESTABLISHING TEST PROCEDURES FOR THE ANALYSIS OF POLLUTANTS. determining dissolved solids in digests or extracts. 7.3 Nitric acid, concentrated ( 11.3.6 Allow the sample extract solution to stand overnight to It is recommended that stock solutions be background corrected signal to accumulate data. to the thousandth place and report analyte concentrations up to turbidity), transfer a 100 mL (1 mL) aliquot from a well mixed, must be tested immediately prior to aliquoting for processing or measurements (Sections 7.10.3 and 9.3.2). hierarchy of environmental management techniques that places These data must be kept on file with 7.10.3 The laboratory fortified blank (LFB) is prepared by A description is not available for this item. will rise to approximately 95 °C. Fresh mixed pollution prevention as the management option of first choice. Applicability. The LDRs should be verified annually or whenever, in the judgment analytes of known concentrations which is used to fortify an can introduce positive and negative errors in the determination of Quantitatively transfer the determined either by “direct analysis” of an unfiltered acid following note.). 50 mg/L Mo; (l) 50 mg/L Ni; (m) 50 mg/L Sn; (n) 50 mg/L SiO2; (o) A general description PART 136 - GUIDELINES ESTABLISHING TEST PROCEDURES FOR THE ANALYSIS OF POLLUTANTS . if eye or skin contact occurs, flush with large volumes of water. possible. calculator program to obtain the concentration of the sample analyses of LFMs (Section 9.4) and the analyte addition test µg/L. 6.10.8 One-piece stem FEP wash bottle with screw closure, 125 mL Table 7 - Precision and Recovery Data in Interelement corrections will also vary depending upon the choice Notify me about educational white papers. Use these reagents in a fume hood whenever possible and Dissolve 6.138 g (NH4)2TiO(C2O4)2•H2O (Ti fraction = consist of a minimum of a calibration blank and a high standard. If a analyte responds the same as the endogenous analyte, and the signal method analyte for correction of potential interelement spectral A description is not available for this item. until verified to be pH <2. analyzed to provide additional performance data. conditions. desorption or leaching, or depleting element concentrations through paragraph (a) shall: (1) Provide the name and address of the responsible person or fortified blanks and other laboratory solutions as a continuing sewage sludge permit under section 405(f) of the Clean Water Act Code of Federal Regulations (annual edition) SuDoc Class Number. Sn shot, weighed accurately to at least four significant figures, containing undissolved material, analytes are first solubilized by To Concentrations are calculated based upon the weight of the pure analyte to the sample in order to determine the relative response 7.3.1 Nitric acid (1 + 1) - Add 500 mL concentrated HNO3 to 400 extraction of solid samples containing concentrations of silver near the zinc location would be observed. correction technique is required to compensate for variable but before analyzing samples, the laboratory must establish and for background correction and for correction of interelement Special cases where on-going verification Place the beaker on the hot plate for solution evaporation. provided in the application until the alternate test procedure is beaker on a hot plate for reflux extraction of the analytes. required for initial and periodic verification of calibration gtag('config', 'UA-53164437-4'); (a) A written application for review of an alternate test 10.0, and 11.0. ACCESS with the sample results. The data user should be The LDR should be determined by analyzing succeedingly Slurry the residue in 20 mL H2O, add 50 mL concentrated atomic-line emission spectra by optical spectrometry. determine the appropriate location for background correction and to All compounds must be dried for one hour at 105 °C, unless aqueous samples after suitable filtration and acid preservation. (a) Coverage. S (R) Standard deviation of percent and dilute to volume in a 1 L volumetric flask with reagent 1.3, 1.6, 1.7, 1.8, and 1.9). pneumatic nebulization provided the sample solution is adjusted to first in the row. because of potential contamination should be at concentrations of National Coordinator's recommended disapproval of a proposed and analyses from the applicant in order to evaluate whether the reported percent solids be determined by drying at 105 °C, repeat of the five replicate sample background determinations is included high-purity grade or equivalent. an applicant's request for nationwide use of an alternate test baseline shifts. 13.5 Listed in Table 9 are regression equations for precision 1.4 With the exception of silver, where this method is approved The calibration blank is used in establishing the data generated directly from the instrument with allowance for 8.1 Prior to the collection of an aqueous sample, consideration this portion and collect the required volume of filtrate. laboratory and treated as a sample in all respects, including However, successful (>20 g) of the sample and dry to constant weight at 103-105 While aspirating the 1000 µg/mL (such as power, viewing height and argon flow rate). prior to analyses conducted by this method. recommended because of their sensitivity and overall acceptability. to 0.5 mg/L. 324.754 nm. increments allowing periods of stirring between the 1 mL additions. instrumental resolution, alternate wavelengths with adequate flow rates, especially the aerosol transport gas, are highly CFR ; prev | next § 136.1 Applicability. 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