Documentation of building systems may also prove valuable when a utility system fails—such as when a water pipe breaks and no one knows how to shut off the water. A fire, chemical spill or other hazard may block an exit, so make sure the evacuation team can direct employees to an alternate safe exit. A copy is available for review at the office. Share sensitive information only on official, secure websites. endstream endobj startxref 803 0 obj <>stream An employee trained to administer first aid or perform CPR can be lifesaving. DO NOT REMOVE THIS PLAN . %PDF-1.6 %���� A .gov website belongs to an official government organization in the United States. FROM ITS CURRENT LOCATION . British Columbia . Since there may be little time to shelter when a tornado is approaching, early warning is important. ... implement the emergency plan … Review your risk assessment. If you choose to do nothing more than call for help and evacuate, you should still prepare an emergency plan that includes prompt notification of emergency services, protective actions for life safety and accounting of all employees. %%EOF Check to see that there are at least two exits from hazardous areas on every floor of every building. Choose the sorbent material based on the chemical hazard of … Assign personnel the responsibility of controlling access to the emergency scene and for keeping people away from unsafe areas. A copy is available for review at the office. Move everyone to the second and higher floors in a multistory building. If you find anything that blocks an exit, have it removed. Avoid breathing the vapors of spilled substances. Instructions for operating all systems and equipment should be accessible to emergency responders. Use of fire extinguishers by trained employees can extinguish a small fire. CHEMICAL SPILL RESPONSE PLAN 1. An act of violence in the workplace could occur without warning. Chemical Exposure to a Person. The second priority is the stabilization of the incident. Guidance for the development of an emergency response plan can be found in this step. The BSU Chemical Hygiene Plan also addresses spill prevention and response specific to laboratory settings for laboratory workers, while the BSU Hazard Communication Plan addresses spill response for hazardous chemicals used by all BSU employees. Subscribe to free text and email warnings, which are available from multiple news and weather resources on the Internet. Others should be familiar with the locations and functions of controls for building utility, life safety and protection systems. When a Small Chemical Spill … Make sure that there are sufficient exits available at all times. Assign at least one person to each floor to act as a “floor warden” to direct employees to the nearest safe exit. This Plan … Regulations may require you to take action before emergency services arrive. Public emergency services have limited knowledge about your facility and its hazards. Prepare emergency procedures for foreseeable hazards and threats. Have a list of employees and maintain a visitor log at the front desk, reception area or main office area. The plan should include a means to warn everyone to move away from windows and move to the core of the building. Close exterior doors and windows and shut down the building’s air handling system. EMERGENCY RESPONSE PLAN . A tanker truck crashes on a nearby highway releasing a chemical cloud. 211 0 obj <> endobj Identify precautions for equipment exposed to water or high humidity and procedures for restarting machinery and equipment. Developing an emergency plan begins with an understanding of what can happen. Develop protective actions for life safety (evacuation, shelter, shelter-in-place, lockdown). Shelters may include basements or interior rooms with reinforced masonry construction. Tune in to weather warnings broadcast by local radio and television stations. Click on the image below to view the guide, or download as a PDF here. Coordinate emergency planning with public emergency services to stabilize incidents involving the hazards at your facility. Compile a site-plan and plans for each floor of each building. Additional material providing much insight into analysis of offsite consequences through a risk management program is now available fro… Plan ahead and secure contractors and other resources in advance. Provide a copy of the plan to the public emergency services that would respond to your facility and others with responsibility for building management and security. Develop hazard and threat specific procedures using guidance from the resource links at the bottom of this page. Multiple people should be trained to broadcast a lockdown warning from a safe location. The first step in chemical or biological spill response is to prevent the exposure, release, or spill from happening in the first place. Existing guidance provides comprehensive information with respect to best practice for emergency response and spill control procedures. hޜZ�n�}�y��H (��-no���@��&{S�&��u����tf�;�zW[4zF�D�G��e���S���~�eRqSq���L?����wi�>L!���)��M��S�C�� �P*~�.�If|r%C�'>�$s��B�bt�֣��b��F!�!OQ|�P h����bR�f�lo`9������ziJs�2�=+�tJ��`,�)&u.�'�f��XA Covering holes in a roof or cleaning up water and ventilating a building are also part of property conservation. Avoid occupying the basement. Building or fire codes may require more exits for larger buildings. Taking action before a forecast event, such as a severe storm, can prevent damage. Other incidents such as a bomb threat or receipt of a suspicious package may also require evacuation. Develop hazard and threat-specific emergency procedures using the. Even when precautions are taken, unexpected events can still cause accidents to happen. hW[O�H�+�XTQ�͞�B Official websites use .gov Sound the evacuation signal during planned drills so employees are familiar with the sound. If a tornado warning is broadcast, everyone should be moved to the strongest part of the building and away from exterior glass. When an emergency occurs, the first priority is always life safety. Plans should define the most appropriate protective action for each hazard to ensure the safety of employees and others within the building. Plans should show the layout of access roads, parking areas, buildings on the property, building entrances, the locations of emergency equipment and the locations of controls for building utility and protection systems. Water control structure/dam/levee failure, Windstorm, tropical cyclone, hurricane, tornado, dust storm, Lightning strikes (wildland fire following), Pandemic/Infectious/communicable disease (Avian flu, H1N1, etc. Determine whether external resources have the information they would need to handle an emergency. If you are a tenant in multi-tenanted building, coordinate planning with the building manager. A plan should be established and resources should be on hand, or quickly, available to prepare a facility. If not, determine what information is required and be sure to document that information in your plan. The actions taken in the initial minutes of an emergency are critical. Remove contaminated clothing and shoes while in shower. ���|C�BB�Ir�Z��H�R+oՃ�]�+$��>"�JHV8�X�pV�6G�,$��Z�&�Ð���0������5l�y�l����ޛ7?����V|�f�q����6���\�}|���|��>�z�_��oo��Wo7���|x���-��ӿ~�}���}�y��������p���ۻ�6���퇽��ܿ���Տ��n���ܿ�{s�~����ǻ����om����w�=�o?�4�x����6�����m�\}�}��bQ�t��鏟?�u=;"�9T A�LB"C�քD"�&!��4�H��H��IH$�iR��j�,�4J�ZG��E��6�#�*�õ�G�"mqs%�*�+�㴹�5V�^�m��lҖhT�)�1��\뙱Ys]e�*�JU]���V���*J���*��UŲ�\;N]mU����j!�k�^_��ƴ4_J�0���T>Iǜ��Of�qB�i��$�f�E���O����(C�'�'~g�p]J;J=��ue��\W^��m�ڳ3��������3.�q�0X��������G~O˓H��^h_�~:~W~'�=����2�X;��z��3��~�P��Xs�K,�DS�y~yO���,�ȳ ��8��P���x�D��G`��?��R&��>�O�I`|B^j��.e�b��K�U����ܕ��}�8�����ga1�=�"F�c}�~�=i7�}�ݴ��|�Gd\"��z�CT~�|ϸD�!/�8��Ib���'��M/1�yO�{b�����_�_�~%��X��xO�'�����D|˼��:�W�[�:���S�Oێ���3Ǔ����O_a|�}H�;应�R֕GJ�(T�%^lU�č�~4.����x���)�|�|z�j����±싌�c��¶3�2��������ñ>���f���.�q�NN��sQ�*q�N^\���;2c3s��[��8��w,�Nv�&g�W���y�����溳!,�����`G�c"w,�݊%�%�(�yV�g��Y��2��謚W�V��W���쒞ޱ,���l^�l\�lY�l:dYVY���lY�l�Ӭ����lY�l:�Y"�(Ͳ"�ӭ�mq+�]跬h7�h��h7�n��u�]=�]"��nY�nT$�"�y��x8�0�yXy�HZx810;f �s+>�-�HI~!�yE�rH��y;�f :A�!A��$��k��+��+��+�N���J���"�V7� ��*�vr�05���?%?j�E�ۇ3�BWsg�ywdy?Q��_��̻�qt�Z�j~@-u��T��c��M%>U�j���cZa8������J���5���v����E��Uܯ�fǍ��[����ퟷ�G�O�e}s���w�.
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