What are the Effects of Light on Animals? Your Dictionary: What Happens to Animals When Rain Forests are Being Cut Down? deforestration affects the lives of the animals because illegal loggers cutted the trees and the animals has no shelter live . From studies of genetics among a multitude of diverse species within the rain forest, scientists are able to see some clues that assist them in the discovery of cures for deadly diseases and illnesses in both animals and humans. Climate change leads to new weather patterns, changing levels of precipitation and temperature fluctuations [4]. 50 percent of all plant and animal species, Animals affected the most by deforestation. The habitat loss is a serious issue for those animals which solely live in forests such as Northern spotted Owl in the Western United States. Its sold around the world to manufacture products such as furniture. Greentumble was founded in the summer of 2015 by us, Sara and Ovi. It can be characterized by the extreme heat or too much rainfall. For example, in Sumatra, rainforests on deep peatlands are being cleared, drained and converted to pulp plantations, … They are often found in remote and isolated areas, like on islands or deep in the rainforest. (And Ways To Reuse Toothbrushes), Are VHS Tapes Recyclable? Some Common Mistakes that You Do While Choosing Food for Your Dog. Required fields are marked *, [Updated: 7 August 2020] Navigation: What are Keystone Species? These are closely related: Increasing Demand for Rubber: A Real Threat for Endangered Species, Species Lost to Deforestation, Why Is Palm Oil Bad for the Environment, Why Are Native Plants Important for Wildlife. Plant and animal extinctions caused by the loss of forests now, limit advancements in medicine for all future generations. Effective Ways to Improve Backyard Biodiversity. Sometimes the niche is so specialized that it is only found in a small region, like a single lake or one square kilometer of forest. When trees are uprooted, so many herbivore animals get affected for they don’t find anything to eat. When these areas are destroyed, the species become extinct. To be most effective, we cannot focus completely on stopping all logging because it is an… Read more », is there more info on this its very interesting. Start by planting one tree, two, or you can even plant a whole forest. I love it so much. In the long-term, it results in famine, hunger, and food insecurity. Riparian (Buffer) Zones: Functions, Benefits, Designs. Though this may not come directly as a result of deforestation but it is a consequence of climate change. They may be hit by vehicles or killed by poachers while moving to another forest patch. The removal of trees and other plants reduces the availability of food, shelter, water, and breeding habitat. As the population of our planet is drastically increasing, forests have to be chopped down to make way for roads, houses, apartments and expansions of cities. Effects of deforestation: – Deforestation has a great effect on the environment. These species are specifically supported by the rich forest environments that provide them with food and shelter. The trees also help control the level of water in the atmosphere by helping to regulate the water cycle. The countries which are underdeveloped sell their natural resources to pay their debts to rich countries. Deforestation in the cold Polar Regions also lead to the disturbance of the ice caps. As trees are removed, large continuous stretches of forest are interrupted and fragmented. Humans may also extensively hunt down some animals which they fear as a threat to their lives if animals live close to towns. Deforestation causes some real consequences for the animals. The earth is covered with forests which host a wide and diverse community of plants and organisms. The fast globalization and too many projects of urbanization put. You have entered an incorrect email address! But the risks from deforestation go even wider. We are working hard to improve our content. This means increase in diseases and decreased numbers of gorillas. But with the continued acts of deforestation, water vapor is lost and the water cycle is broken. Instead, we need focus on using forests in sustainable ways, like limiting logging in old growth forests, not clear-cutting, and increasing the number of seedlings planted. Constant cutting off the trees does not retain atmospheric moisture which brings wildfires and droughts in these forests. Deforestation also leads to barren lands which have significantly higher temperatures and eventually no livelihood, basically leading to desertification. How Desert Aimals Fulfill Their Water Needs? Ensure a Sustainable Green Future with Environment Buddy! Pros and Cons of Applying Biotechnology in Agriculture, Causes, Effects and Solutions of Habitat Loss and Destruction. ... One often-overlooked consequence of increased temperatures is the spread of disease among wild animals. More than half the world's land-based plants and animals, and three-quarters of all birds, live in and around forests. It is estimated that if we continue to remove trees at the current rate as of today, we will have no forests on the earth within 100 years. This may lead to loss of biodiversity, death and even extinction for the creatures without the necessary adaptive mechanisms. Millions of people rely directly on forests as their home or for making a living. When trees are destroyed, an integral piece of the forest ecosystem disappears suddenly. This means it is our responsibility, as a species, to do what we can to prevent the issue from creating a lasting impact on our planet.
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