Free of the snarky condescension found in many secular articles written about evangelicalism, the article shines a largely complementary light on the pastors of Elevation. Elevation Church Exposed // Steven Furtick Exposed Watch Party . Elliot Nesch from writes,. THIS BLOG IS NOW SUSPENDED Please be advised that this blog is terminated indefinitely. THE CHURCH MILITANT Our Recent “Worship Experience” at Elevation Church By churchwatcher on March 14, 2017. Of course not, because that’s Furtick’s motto. This video examines the sad truth behind Elevation Church and Steven Furtick and provides the proper answer to much of the heretical doctrines. Connect with eFam near you and around the world through our official eFam facebook groups. This Christian News Blog maintains a one stop resource of current news and reports of its own related to church, moral, spiritual, and related political issues, plus articles, and postings from other online discernment ministries, and media which share the aims to obey the biblical commands to shed light on and refute error, heresy, apostasy, cults, and spiritual abuse. –. Seriously, folks. We attend the Gaston campus of Elevation church. Lentz is a pretentious dazzler who believes you can reach the world for Christ by compromising biblical truth, watering down the Gospel, ignoring the entire concept of repentance, and simply “loving everyone on their journey to Jesus.” Lentz has knowingly, And of course, there’s Levi Lusko, another, But this isn’t surprising since Steven Furtick himself is quite dishonorably the biggest wolf in the pack. Chandler was invited as a guest speaker at, well, except for Chandler himself, this perfidious event adorned with scripture-twisting fabricators of false glory. It was at Elevation Church’s 2012 Code Orange Revival. Ephesians 5:11-"And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather expose them". There is absolutely nothing Christian about this so-called “revival” event. WE HAVE DECIDED TO GRADUALLY TRANSITION TO A WORDPRESS BLOG: FOR THESE REASONS: If people let the government decide what foods they eat and what medicines they take, their bodies will soon be in as sorry a state as are the souls who live under tyranny.”. It was at Elevation Church’s 2012 Code Orange Revival. But we’re sure of one thing–he won’t be invited back. Unless you’re unqualified, you’re not qualified. The opinions expressed in articles, linked materials, and comments are not necessarily those of and/or its author. For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions, and will turn away from listening to the truth and wander off into myths. Our "fearless friend," Elliott Nesch, took two of his children and went to visit Elevation Church a few months ago; this is the article he wrote about that experience: Our Recent "Worship Experience" at Elevation Church For further reading and research: The Steven Furtick Cornucopia of False Teaching, Egomania and Hair Gel. Linked material is the responsibility of the party who created it. GOOGLE, YOUTUBE, SOCIAL MEDIA & TECHNOLOGY COMPANIES HAVE BEEN CENSORING VIDEOS, PICTURES, AND NON-POLITICALLY CORRECT TEXT. The hurricane of heresy and panoply of prevarication in 2016 will be painful, to say the least, to anyone with any sense of biblical discernment, and love for God. FIND YOUR GROUP. There will be a torrent of motivational, ear-tickling, self-hyping speech, and plenty of dazzling lights and musical performances sure to bring any unbiblically astute “seeker” of God to full submission, reigning in the consciences of any who dare to question its validity, while slowly poisoning everyone into spiritual death. EVEN MORE PENTECOSTAL WORD OF FAITH SCANDAL SEE OUR PREVIOUS POST: http://ra... DELAWARE'S OWN SWAMP LIBERAL DELAWARE SLEAZE Joe Biden's Son Hunter, Made Legal Director of Ukraine's Largest Gas Com... NO REFERENDUM THIS TIME FOR THE PEOPLE TO DECIDE. Chandler was invited as a guest speaker at, well, except for Chandler himself, this perfidious event adorned with scripture-twisting fabricators of false glory. Here’s a game: can you find one qualified teacher of the Word of God in this line-up? SCANDALS OF BILL GOTHARD, VOICE OF THE MARTYRS, & VISION FORUM EXPOSED! Furtick, who is well known for reading himself into a biblical text, yet only in places where he clearly doesn’t belong, it appears, has cleaned his hands of anyone willing to challenge his false theology of what our friend Chris Rosebrough calls “narcigesis” (narcissistic eisegesis). Remember a few years ago when Matt Chandler rained on Steven Furtick’s parade? “If people let the government decide what foods they eat and what medicines they take, their bodies will soon be in as sorry a state as are the souls who live under tyranny.”, Thomas Jefferson paraphrase from “Notes on Virginia”. Goats will be sure to love it. BECAUSE THIS IS A CHRISTIAN BLOG, WE CANNOT & WILL NOT TOLERATE ANY MORE CENSORSHIP WHICH HAS BEEN GOING ON FOR A LONG TIME. Authors of articles, videos and/or selected texts are solely responsible for the content of their material. Pastor Steven preaches the word of God directly from the Bible each week, nothing more nothing less. Get Involved. OVER 100 PASTORS SIGN LETTER TO OHIO BOARD OF EDUCATION OPPOSING YOGA, MEDITATION BEING TAUGHT IN SCHOOLS~HOW THE NO LONGER "CHRISTIAN" YMCA & YWCA PROMOTE YOGA, FALSE PROPHET/TEACHER: INDIAN HINDU GURU THE LATEST RAGE AMONG CHARISMATIC CHRISTIANS~CONSIDERED A "CHRISTIAN" PROPHET AND/OR APOSTLE TO DOMINIONISTS, JUSTIN PETERS CRIPPLED DISCERNMENT PASTOR CONFRONTS TODD BENTLEY FAITH HEALER PUBLICLY, PAULA WHITE MARRIES FOR THIRD TIME DESPITE BIBLICAL PROSCRIPTION~"WHITE" FASHION & DECOR WILL NOT HIDE THE FACTS, BIDEN UKRAINE SCANDAL EXPLAINED: UNETHICAL PLAN BY JOE TO HELP SON HUNTER PROFIT~CREEPY JOE WANTS DEVIANT MEN IN WOMEN'S PRISONS, DELAWARE-A NO SALES TAX "SMALL WONDER" BUT BIG ON LIBERALISM & NOW HOSTILE TO CHRISTIANITY IN THE NAME OF "GENDER IDENTITY PROTECTION", LECRAE, CARL LENTZ, FAWN OVER PRO-ABORTION DEMOCRAT, STACEY ABRAMS, MORE POLICE ABUSE & ARMING TO THE MAXIMUM WITH MILITARY EQUIPMENT TO MEET ANY CONTINGENCY, Covenantal Church Membership/Shepherding Movement, Nationalism Propaganda/Subliminal Messages, Public Assistance/Welfare/Medicaid/EBT Food Card, Self Protection/Concealed Carry/Firearm Training, Victorious Life/Positive Affirmation/Law of Attraction. THANK YOU FOR YOUR PATIENCE & UNDERSTANDING AS WE MAKE IMPROVEMENTS TO THE NEW BLOG. CONNECT WITH US. Home › Elevation › Our Recent “Worship Experience” at Elevation Church. The article, written by a self-professed non-religious journalist, is shockingly positive. Build community right where you are., self-appointed prophet who claims he hears from God, allowed two openly gay men to remain undisciplined members of his church, charismatic Emergent promoter of false teachers and Gospel compromisers, he glad-handed Jake’s audience, and forked over a 35 thousand dollar check, pretty sure that the only sinless man who ever walked the face of this earth, Jesus Christ, was a sinner, is so messed up, we even coined a new name for it. In Australia, Hillsong became too big for its denomination that it eventually left its Pentecostal denomination. So there you have it. The sad truth is that 99% of those young people WOULD NEVER step foot into a fundamental Bible-believing church. Fast forward four years later. Elevation Church seems to operate in-name-only as a Southern Baptist church. My family watched online for about 1 year before making the decision to drive about 1 hour to attend the campus closest to us. The popularity of Elevation Church is preventing many from hearing the true message of the Gospel because of the false teachings of Steven Furtick and others within the organization. Content in full or in part may be copyrighted.. Powered by. There is precedent for this. It doesn’t seem as though Elevation is involved in the SBC, unlike its North Carolinian counterparts. Connect with us and receive an exclusive journal, elevation pen and bumper sticker. ABOVE PHOTO: Tragically, most of Steven Furtick's “ELEVATION CHURCH” members are impressionable YOUNG PEOPLE.
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