Evolution of a landslide creating a temporary lake: successful prediction. © Copyright 2008, Scientific Journals International. Prediction enables warning, evacuation and meaningful flood defense. portion of palatable plant species such as grasses, depends on this vegetation are forced to migrate, of these animal species are also valuable resources, for people, and their disappearance may increase, food insecurity and threaten people’s livelihoods. the driving factors and the area of desertication, and the contribution of each factor to the changes in the, Sandication has been a source of various prob-, lems to the farmers and herdsmen, eventually lead-, ing to the impoverishment of the local population, and the vicious cycle of people exploiting the envi-. China's demand for food on this measure appears consistent with global trends, while China is an out-performer on the supply side, producing much more food than its income level and land endowment would predict. fragmentation, and isolation of natural habitats, it has changed the structure of animal popula-, tions and communities, reducing the productivity, and liveliness of species (through lower birth/sur-, vival rates and pest/disease resistance capability, among others), gradually pushing them to the verge, (in Central China), many animal and plant species, have disappeared or suered a decline in species, golia in the 1950s, but their residual population. Chen J (2007) Rapid urbanization in China: China Daily (2014) More than 40% of China’s arable land de-. densely inhabited areas of the north and the west. MEP (2003) The temporary regulation of ecological function, McKersie BD, Lesheim Y (2013) Stress and stress coping in cul-, Mofcom (2009) Geographical features of the People’s Re-. arid north and the mountainous areas in the west, where it has direct environmental (such as land-, slides and ooding) and economic (such as lower, incomes from farming and livestock raising) im-, impacts, including dust storms, oods, and the sil-, that a reduction in grain and livestock output may, raise the price of food beyond what is socially ac-, Soil degradation is the outcome of various natu-, ral factors and human activities that result from, people’s inadequate use of land resources and the, of soil erosion can be traced back to politics (le-, gal constraints to the ownership of the land, which. This situation, of course, can represent a serious risk in case of a dam break, and the ensuing flooding could affect downstream infrastructures and small villages. creasing salinization of the region’s soils. This study investigated the effects of grassland degradation on plant community composition and soil erosion in the alpine grassland soil of China. Highlights for public administration, management and planning: of the world’s average, but more than 40% of China’s arable land is degraded. showed a considerable acidication of all topsoils. downstream impacts on sedimentary processes: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.quaint.2015.03.015, ture. The organization World Wildlife Fund states that it increases the chance of flooding in the environment. ter and Soil Assessment for Managing Sustainable Agriculture. On the other hand, aorestation has yielded mixed, soils in Gansu and Ningxia Hui, it actually acceler-, ated the desertication process in Inner Mongolia. The rural town of San Juan de Grijalva. Studies showed that when the concentration of salt, ions in the soil exceeds 8 g per kg of soil, it can, severely damage or prevent crop growth on farm-. (source: Feng et al. Income Growth and Food Demand and Supply in China, History and Applications of Dust Devil Studies, China’s soil pollution and degradation problems, Flood Defense and Water/Sediment Management—With Particular Reference to The Yellow River, Effect of water-sediment regulation of the Xiaolangdi reservoir on the concentrations, characteristics, and fluxes of suspended sediment and organic carbon in the Yellow River, The stability of the Suspended River on the lower reaches of the Yellow River and its geo-environmental study, The impacts of pasture degradation on soil nutrients and plant compositions in Alpine Grassland, China. They are now considered for the remainder of this, Although there has been a signicant improvement, in cereal yields over the last few years (, it is uncertain whether this upward trend will con-, cial report released in 2016, China could experi-, ence a drop in wheat production for the rst time, that the future food security of China is challenged, by problems such as soil degradation and pollu-. Soil degradation also impacts the environment in many ways. in the root zone start to interfere with plant growth. Ford P (2011) China’s farmers see hope in eort to stem soil, Pacic/2011/0727/China-s-farmers-see-hope-in-eort-to-stem-, Fukase E, Martin W (2016) Who will feed China in the 21st cen-, S (2015) Reservoir-induced changes to uvial uxes and their. Schon beim Aktivieren werden Daten an Dritte übertragen – siehe, 2 Klicks für mehr Datenschutz: Erst wenn Sie hier klicken, wird der Button aktiv und Sie können Ihre Empfehlung an Twitter senden. However, China also faces another important environmental problem, which is less well-known to the public: that of soil degradation and pollution. China’s Soil Pollution and Degradation Problems utilizes grey literature such as newspaper articles, NGO reports and Chinese government information alongside academic studies in order to provide an extensive review of the challenges faced by grassroots organizations as they tackle environmental policy failings throughout China. also contribute to the instability of mountain slopes, which has become the primary cause for the catas-, China has built more than half of the large reser-, voirs in the world since 1950, mainly for the pro-, the silt contained in the rivers reaches the reser-, sediment a river carries, the faster the silt will ac-, age capacity and its original functions, in particu-, lar its electricity generation capacity (, amounts of sediment also damage the structure, ing of the tips of turbine blades by water-borne, sand and silt considerably reduces their gener-, ating eiciency and often requires expensive re-, way to remove the sediment from behind the dams, The speed of reservoir sedimentation is dependent, on the size of the reservoir and the amount of sed-, tremely muddy river will rapidly lose capacity, a large reservoir on a very clear river may take cen-. Soil Degradation, Conservation and Remediation, Solar-Gartenstecker "Flame Bambus", 2er-Set, Dann bleiben wir eben zu Hause! The different factors that could have triggered the landslide are analyzed, without finding an outstanding one. Kommentar zu "Soil Degradation, Conservation and Remediation", zu „Soil Degradation, Conservation and Remediation, Sediment - Sedimentologie - Sedimentation. The haze can make it impossible to see buildings across the street, and the pollution forces schools to close and creates health and morbidity problems, in addition to tremendous environmental degradation. banks and increasing the risk of natural landslides. lition on rural families’ incomes and production. and economically prosperous eastern provinces. ing problems upstream in the city of Chongqing. Currell M (December 2013) Shanghai ‘airpocalipse’: versation.com/shanghais-airpocalypse-can-china-x-its-deadly-, Delang CO (2017) China’s soil pollution and degradation prob-, view of the largest ecological restoration and rural development, Ding J (2010) Chinese soil experts warn of massive, experts-warn-of-massive-threat-to-food-security, term soil productivity in the black soil region of northeastern. 19, Statt 149.79 € Cd, Cu, Hg, Pb, Sb, and Zn concentrations in urban surface dust were 1.48, 1.57, 2.73, 1.58, 6.20, and 1.98 times higher than rural surface soils on average, respectively. sults imply that with every cm of topsoil aected, by erosion, the productivity level of black soils will, sion of black soil in north-east China may severely, concluded that immediate and eective conserva-, tion methods should be put into practice to protect. 13.4% of the world’s land under cereal production, China is able to produce 20 % of world’s cere-, als and feed 18% of the world’s population (. degradation processes consist mainly of soil acidi-, cation, salinication, and desertication, and result, in the loss of nutrients and a substantial reduction. Soil total organic carbon (TOC), total nitrogen (TN), and effective cation exchangeable capacity (ECEC) reduced significantly when pasture was heavily degraded.
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