Thus, the response plan will not indicate whether the pipeline is handling diluted bitumen and, if so, the source of the bitumen, the nature of the diluent, and physical properties such as density and viscosity. The RRT shall review the OSC report with its comments or recommendations within 30 days after the RRT has received the OSC report. (5) Provides funds to initiate natural resources damage assessment. 6 Regulations Governing Spill Response Planning. The section now applies to every spill of a pollutant. In addition, the DOJ represents the federal government, including its agencies, in litigation relating to such discharges. Local governments are invited to participate in activities on the appropriate RRT as provided by state law or as arranged by the state's representative. 6.4.7 Department of Labor. This would be helpful to ensure that, through the OSRO or otherwise, the pipeline operator has put in place response resources that are adequate to address spills of nonfloating oils such as diluted bitumen. This plan should be a part of the employer's emergency response plan or an extension of it to the specific site. Hurricane Harvey made landfall on August 25, 2017, as a Category 4 storm near Rockport, Texas, bringing catastrophic flooding to the Gulf Coast. Although USCG recognizes that floating and nonfloating oils (based on API gravity) require different equipment, the currently used (2013) OSRO Classification Guidelines do not specify the different response resources necessary to respond to nonfloating oils that may become nonfloating during weathering, nor do they address diluted bitumen specifically.i, The Part 194 regulations allow pipeline operators to designate OSROs certified under the USCG OSRO Classification Guidelines to carry out response activities on their behalf. The intent of the OSRO Classification Guidelines is to assess the OSRO’s capabilities based on the type of oil it expects to address during a spill. pipeline integrity in areas where spills could have high impacts. (3) Coordinate the supply of equipment, personnel, or technical advice to the affected region from other regions or districts. The concept of spill treatment, to create less hazardous substances, will improve the safety and level of protection of employees working at spill clean-up operations or emergency response operations to spills of hazardous substances. (d) All parts of this national response strategy should be addressed concurrently, but safety and stabilization are the highest priorities. (d) The following agencies have funds available for certain discharge removal actions: (1) DOD has two specific sources of funds that may be applicable to an oil discharge under appropriate circumstances. Those items of the emergency response plan may be substituted into the emergency response plan required in 1910.120 or otherwise kept together for employer and employee use. Ultimately, a comprehensive system of spill reporting, containment, and cleanup was developed and codified in the National Oil and Hazardous Substances Pollution Contingency Plan, more commonly called the National Contingency. (5) Ensure prompt notification of the trustees of affected natural resources in accordance with the applicable RCP and ACP. In order to avoid confusion, the NCP will spell out Nuclear Regulatory Commission and use the abbreviation “NRC” only with respect to the National Response Center. This may include providing assistance to the OSC in identifying/recommending pre-approved response techniques and in predesignating shoreline types and areas in ACPs. Where practicable, continuing efforts should be made to encourage response by responsible parties. 4.3.2 Tank vessel and facility response plans. (h) Direct planning and preparedness responsibilities of the NRT include: (1) Maintaining national preparedness to respond to a major discharge of oil that is beyond regional capabilities; (2) Monitoring incoming reports from all RRTs and activating for a response action, when necessary; (3) Coordinating a national program to assist member agencies in preparedness planning and response, and enhancing coordination of member agency preparedness programs; (4) Developing procedures, in coordination with the NSFCC, as appropriate, to ensure the coordination of federal, state, and local governments, and private response to oil discharges; (5) Monitoring response-related research and development, testing, and evaluation activities of NRT agencies to enhance coordination, avoid duplication of effort, and facilitate research in support of response activities; (6) Developing recommendations for response training and for enhancing the coordination of available resources among agencies with training responsibilities under the NCP; (7) Reviewing regional responses to oil discharges, including an evaluation of equipment readiness and coordination among responsible public agencies and private organizations; and.
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