
will destiel be canon

Mais, vous savez, ne retenez pas votre souffle. In a more analytic approach, given the complexity of Dean and Castiel’s relationship, labeling it as “brotherhood” or “friendship” or “lovers” simplifies it too much. Supernatural courir. -By canon Destiel, I mean that Dean and Castiel are going to be in an acknowledged romantic relationship. Now, this is where the Destiel shippers get their fodder, because the angel has literally touched every atom of Dean’s body and soul. Tired of rumors, misinformation, and mass hysteria? The rumor that Destiel will become canon in Season 9 is PENDING DEBUNKED. Dans l’épisode de jeudi, Castiel a déclaré en larmes son amour pour Dean dans une scène qui était un véritable coup de poing pour les amoureux de Destiel. Not only does he rescue Dean, but he also recreates the hunter’s body (thankfully Cas has an eye for detail). If you know a little bit about the story, then think of the Montagues and the Capulets, the families of the two lovers. Maintenant, alors que la série approche de la fin de sa série le 15 novembre, elle a donné aux fans ce qu’ils voulaient. Given the lack of reliable sources either way, we consider this rumor to be PENDING. Puis il est entré dans une sorte de dimension infernale mais pire et meurt, laissant Dean sangloter sur le sol. However, I’ve recently decided that I don’t need the writers of the show to make my OTP overtly canon. Learn how your comment data is processed. That’s one hell of a first meeting.While Cas didn’t break into hell all by himself, he was the one to rescue Dean. No, I’m not going to make a star-crossed lovers comparison (even if the archetype fits). Honestly, it’s been going down that road for a good long while with the endless cycle of terrible news and gloom that is 2020. He betrays his family for the sake of another–someone who is far inferior and would not return the favor.I’m not sure I have a single friend that I would commit fratricide for, and Cas does it repeatedly. Now, the Winchesters have a trust-ourselves-and-nobody-else kind of attitude for most of the early seasons (with a father like theirs, can you blame them? After 15 seasons and many long years of pining, filthy fanfiction, and debating fellow stans, Supernatural finally made Destiel canon. Yes, yes, I do. Sidenote: That clip kills me inside every single time. And I believe these boys to have a bond so profound that it doesn’t need to be canonized to legitimize it. Je tenais à toi, je tenais à Sam, je tenais à Jack. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. Alright, who had Destiel (sort of) canon on their 2020 apocalypse bingo card? Cas is a bit more aggressive than Romeo–he goes so far as to kill his brethren for the sake of the Winchesters–but the bottom line is the same. Warning: If slash makes you squick, turn away, cuz darling, I love my slash OTP and I will never apologise for it. A life debt, if you will. To debunk this rumor, we would need to reach the end of Season 9 without seeing canon Destiel, or again receive serious word from the creative team that Destiel is not in the cards this season. Après 15 saisons et de longues années de fanfiction dégoûtante et dégoûtante et de débats entre collègues, Surnaturel a finalement fait canon de Destiel. Should the writers allow Destiel to become Canon?

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