ITAC would like to thank our partners for their ongoing support of the Indigenous tourism industry in Canada. And although many of our sacred traditions and practices were put under pressure or even abolished under colonial rule, we are regaining control over lands and cultural practices. The First Nations people occupy Canada in regions south of the Arctic. Browse a curated selection of packages from across the country. Among the Plains Peoples, artistic expression ranges from tattoos to clothing painted or embroidered with dyed porcupine quills and carvings. The Inuit have historically lived in Canada’s Far North. Join us for genuine cultural experiences and build meaningful connections between our past, present and future. Learn about Canada’s three distinct groups of Indigenous peoples with unique histories, languages, cultural practices, and spiritual beliefs that are woven into the fabric of our country. Despite the diversity of Indigenous Peoples in Canada, we have certain important cultural traits and traditions that unite us. The Inuit have historically lived in Canada’s Far North. Launched in 2020 by the Indigenous Tourism Association of Canada (ITAC), Destination Indigenous markets the best Indigenous tourism experiences from coast to coast to coast. Inuit inventions, such as the igloo, the toggling harpoon head and the kayak, are considered technological masterpieces for their resourcefulness and strength of design. The Inuit have historically lived in Canada’s Far North. The language spoken by many Métis, Michif, is now considered to be an endangered language with fewer than 1,000 speakers. First Nations are Peoples who have historically lived between the Atlantic and Pacific oceans, south of the Arctic. In Canada, the term “Indigenous” is an umbrella term that describes the original inhabitants of these lands and their descendants. They typically lived in nomadic communities of 25-30 people. Learn about Canada’s Inuit living in Nunatsiavut (Labrador); Nunavik (Quebec); Nunavut; and the Inuvialuit Settlement Region of the Northwest Territories – an area covering one-third of Canada's land mass – as well as Inuit living in urban centres. How the Department of Canadian Heritage, the Assembly of First Nations, Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami and the Métis Nation are working collaboratively to preserve, promote and revitalize Indigenous languages. The two main Inuit languages, Inuktitut and Inuinnaqtun, are official languages in the regions in which they are spoken. Métis are a specific Indigenous cultural community that traces their lineage back to the joining of First Nations and primarily French and Scottish European settlers. They can be divided into several main nations, all of which were skilled hunters who mainly relied on fish, deer and elk for food. The indigenous people of Canada are composed of First Nations, Inuit, and the Metis. The Northwest Coastal Peoples on the West Coast of Canada are made up of at least 70 nations and speak an estimated 19 distinct languages. They are said to have a population of around 451,795 as at 2011, although it is unknown exactly how many people have Métis ancestry. They are said to have a population of around 451,795 as at 2011, although it is unknown exactly how many people have Métis ancestry. According to the 2011 census, Canadians who identify as indigenous had a population of 1,400,685 representing 4.3% of the county’s total population. Section 25 and 35 of the Canadian Constitution Act of 1982, categorized the Inuit as a distinct group that can be classified as neither First Nation nor Metis. Destination Indigenous opens doors into the living cultures of Indigenous Peoples in Canada today through Indigenous nature and wildlife tours, cultural sharing, accommodation and relaxation, culinary experiences, shopping and more.
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